300 French Animals to Learn
Learn the words for 300 different animals in French
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261 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇫🇷 |
Dog | Chien |
Cow | Vache |
Loup de terre | Aardwolf |
Pig | Cochon |
Cat | Chat |
Abeille | Bee |
Duck | Canard |
Horse | Cheval |
Chiot | Puppy |
Sheep | Mouton |
Puppy | Chiot |
OIE | Goose |
Lion | Lion |
Kitten | Chaton |
Mouton | Sheep |
Mouse | Souris |
Fox | Renard |
Lion | Lion |
Gopher | Gaufre |
Bee | Abeille |
Canard | Duck |
Leopard | Léopard |
Bear | Ours |
Renard | Fox |
Ant | Fourmi |
Dolphin | Dauphin |
Serpent | Snake |
Sparrow | Moineau |
Panther | Panthère |
Panda | Panda |
Bandicoot | Bandicoot |
Rhino | Rhinocéros |
Cheval | Horse |
Bison | Bison |
Goldfish | Poisson rouge |
Aardwolf | Loup de terre |
Buffle | Buffalo |
Zebra | Zèbre |
Guépard | Cheetah |
Owl | Hibou |
Antelope | Antilope |
Cheetah | Guépard |
Lion | Lion |
Panda | Panda |
Chaton | Kitten |
Hedgehog | Hérisson |
Centipede | Mille-Pattes |
Furet | Ferret |
Falcon | Faucon |
Bird | Oiseau |
Rabbit | Lapin |
Poisson rouge | Goldfish |
Goose | Oie |
Albatross | Albatros |
Dauphin | Dolphin |
Lion | Lion |
Buffalo | Buffle |
Ferret | Furet |
Buffle | Buffalo |
Camel | Chameau |
Snake | Serpent |
Aigle | Eagle |
Raccoon | Raton laveur |
Badger | Blaireau |
Albatros | Albatross |
Boar | Sanglier |
Hibou | Owl |
Eagle | Aigle |
Cattle | Bétail |
Cougar | Puma |
Souris | Mouse |
Horse | Cheval |
Baboon | Babouin |
Blaireau | Badger |
Buffalo | Buffle |
Caterpillar | Chenille |
Bandicoot | Bandicoot |
Wolf | Loup |
Chameau | Camel |
Donkey | Âne |
Dingo | Dingo |
Ape | Singe |
Dragon | Dragon |
Dingo | Dingo |
Goat | Chèvre |
Chenille | Caterpillar |
Chicken | Poulet |
Mille-Pattes | Centipede |
Bison | Bison |
Fourmi | Ant |
Faucon | Falcon |
Hérisson | Hedgehog |
Ours | Bear |
Gaufre | Gopher |
Rhinocéros | Rhino |
Zèbre | Zebra |
Dragon | Dragon |
Panthère | Panther |
Raton laveur | Raccoon |
Loup | Wolf |