Ancient Europe
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Ancient Europe - Leaderboard
Ancient Europe - Details
82 questions
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The social class | El estrato |
The soldier | El soldado |
El estrato | The social class |
The tent | La tienda |
The parade | El desfile |
El soldado | The soldier |
To stay | Alojarse |
The barracks | El cuartel |
La tienda | The tent |
The settlement | El asentamiento |
The diet | La alimentación |
El desfile | The parade |
The wheat | El trigo |
The punishment | El castigo |
Alojarse | To stay |
The barley | La cebada |
The tool | La herramienta |
El cuartel | The barracks |
The bishop | El obispo |
The church | La iglesia |
El asentamiento | The settlement |
The priest | El sacerdote |
The castle | El castillo |
La alimentación | The diet |
The rampart | La muralla |
The evidence | La constancia |
El trigo | The wheat |
The romans | Los romanos |
The hill | El cerro |
El castigo | The punishment |
Final | Definitivo |
The site | El solar |
La cebada | The barley |
The farmhouse | La alquería |
The village | La aldea |
To vacate | Deshabitar |
To inhabit | Habitar |
La herramienta | The tool |
The group | El conjunto |
To establish | Establecer |
El obispo | The bishop |
To give up | Ceder |
The candle | La vela |
La iglesia | The church |
The blacksmith | El herrero |
To forge | Forjar |
El sacerdote | The priest |
The iron | El hierro |
The jewelry | La joyería |
El castillo | The castle |
The mapmaker | El cartógrafo |
The bar | El bar |
La muralla | The rampart |
The bar | La barra |
The skirmish | La escaramuza |
La constancia | The evidence |
The spear | La lanza |
Cool | Fresco |
Los romanos | The romans |
The trader | El comerciante |
The storyteller | La cuentista |
El cerro | The hill |
To rise up | Alzarse |
The fortress | La fortaleza |
Definitivo | Final |
Luxurious | Suntuoso |
Palace | Palacio |
El solar | The site |
Daydream | Ensueño |
The wall | El muro |
La alquería | The farmhouse |
The charm | El embrujo |
The thief | El ladrón |
La aldea | The village |
The lad | El mozo |
The bell | La campana |
Deshabitar | To vacate |
The battle | La batalla |
To draw up | Trazar |
Habitar | To inhabit |
The troop | La tropa |
The citadel | La cuidadela |
El conjunto | The group |
To accommodate | Albergar |
The post | El puntal |
Establecer | To establish |
The crack | La grieta |
To settle down | Asentarse |
Ceder | To give up |
The facade | La portada |
Upper | Superior |
La vela | The candle |
The hallway | El pasillo |
The overhang | El saliente |
El herrero | The blacksmith |
The horseshoe arch | El arco de herradura |
The tile | El azulejo |
Forjar | To forge |
The dome | La cúpula |
The ground floor | La planta baja |