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Biology S2

In English

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What is the problem with battery farming?

increases the risk of disease, creates a lower quality product and is an ethical concern

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166 questions
What is the problem with battery farming?
Increases the risk of disease, creates a lower quality product and is an ethical concern
What is the problem with battery farming?
Increases the risk of disease, creates a lower quality product and is an ethical concern
What happens if the first line of defence fails?
The second line of defence starts working
What happens if the first line of defence fails?
The second line of defence starts working
What is the issue with Fermi's Paradox
Why haven't we found life and why hasn't it found us
What does MRS GREEN stand for?
Movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, evolve and nutrition
What are some things required in a habitable zone?
Gravity, oxygen, protection from harmful radiation, water, an energy source, suitable temperature
What are some features of Mars?
Desert-like, 40% gravity, 95% carbon dioxide and has an average temperature of -60°
Why is it unlikely that there is life on the surface of Mars?
It has a very thin atmosphere and a low temperature
Where in Mars could life be possible?
There might be life under the crust where there may be liquid water
What are extremophiles?
Organisms that live in extreme conditions
What is an example of an extremophile?
Tubeworms - these live 2500m underwater and get their energy from hydrothermal vents
What are the five kingdoms of organisms?
Plant, animal, fungi, monera (bacteria), protista (algae and protozoa)
What is fungi useful for?
Fungi is useful to to make antibiotics and make bread dough rise
How can fungi be harmful?
It can be poisonous and can cause things like athletes foot
What is bacteria necessary for?
Bacteria are necessary for our digestive system
How can bacteria be harmful?
It causes diseases like tetanus
What does bacteria not have?
Bacterium has no nucleus or vacuole
What does fungus not have?
Fungus has no vacuole and no chloroplast
What is the independent variable?
The difference between the sides
What is the dependent variable?
What you are measuring
How are viruses helpful?
They are useful for vaccines
How are viruses harmful?
They cause things like covid and the flu
How are protozoa helpful?
Break down sewage to make water safe to put into the environment
How is protozoa harmful?
It causes diseases like malaria
How is algae harmful?
Releases toxins into lochs and the sea making it harmful for fish to eat
Where is the most bacteria found?
Most bacteria is on surfaces that are touched often but not cleaned regularly
Why is there more bacteria on clean hands than dirty hands?
On clean hands, you have all the bacteria that stays between your fingerprints wherever you go but on dirty hands, you only have bacteria from the things you have touched
What are some rules for doing microbiological work?
No food or drink, keep petri dishes closed, run autoclave at the correct temperature, dispose of waste properly, mop up spills immediately
Where is E. coli found?
Intestines of animals
What are common symptoms of E. coli?
Stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea
What can happen to E. coli during the butchering process?
E. coli gets from the animals stomach to the surface of the meat
What can happen to E. coli if meat is minced?
E.coli can get transferred throughout the meat
What things can lead to an outbreak of E.coli?
Inadequate training, failure to use temp probes, not having a cleaning schedule, not separating raw and cooked meat, not using separate equipment for different processes
Why are temperature probes so important?
To check the meat has reached a temperature high enough to kill bacteria throughout the meat
Why did operating theatres used to be far away from the wards?
So that other patients couldn't hear the screaming
Why did operations used to be so quick?
So the patient was in pain for a shorter period of time
Why would surgeons wear aprons?
To protect themselves blood
Why are disinfectants used?
To reduce the number of microbes on non-living things
What is an antibiotic?
A chemical that kills or stops the growth of bacteria
How did Fleming discover antibiotics?
Fleming was growing bacteria on a petri dish. When he returned from a holiday, he noticed some of the bacteria had died. He realised this was because it had been contaminated by a fungi now known as penicillin.
Why do we need different antibiotics?
Some people are allergic to certain antibiotics and some bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics
How does a multidisc work?
Around the circle there are samples of different antibiotics, if bacteria doesn't grow next to a particular antibiotic, we know it will kill the bacteria
What happens when you swallow microbes?
They get killed by stomach acid
What happens is microbes end up in your lungs?
You cough them up in mucus and then swallow them when they will be killed by hydrochloric acid
What happens if the first line of defence fails?
The second line of defence starts working
What is a phagocyte?
A white blood cell that eats pathogens
What is a lymphocyte?
White blood cells that produce antibodies
What is an antigen?
Molecules on the surface of a pathogen that the immune system recognizes
What are antibodies?
Y-shaped chemicals that stick to pathogens that stops them from working and causes them to clump together
Why can you only get chiken pox once?
Your body keeps the antibodies so it is able to fight off the chickenpox pathogens before they effect you
How did Jenner invent vaccination?
He noticed that milkmaids never got smallpox. This was because all of them had already had cowpox and therefore had the antibodies to fight it off
What is biology?
The study of living organisms, their interaction with each other and with their environment
What is biosphere?
The zone of the Earth inhabited by living things
What is a habitat?
The place where an organism live
What is community?
All of the organisms in 1 habitat
What is population?
All of the organisms of one type
What is an organism?
A living thing
What is an ecosystem?
The habitat, animals and plants
What is biodiversity?
The number of different species present in a particular area
What is a vertebrate?
Animals with a backbone
What are some types of vertebrates?
Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians
What are some examples of vertebrates?
Salmon, dolphin, elephant, snakes and camels
What are some types of invertebrates?
Jellyfish, flatworms, true worms and arthropods
What are some examples of invertebrates?
Snail, starfish, earthworm and amoeba
What are some examples of birds?
Ducks, vultures and falcons
What are some examples of fish?
Perch, plaice, eel and salmon
What are some examples of reptiles?
Snakes, crocodiles and tortoises
What are some examples of jellyfish?
Jellyfish, hydra and sea anemone