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BONES - Leaderboard
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51 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Bone? | Cervical vertebrae |
Bones? | Thoracic vertebrae |
Bones? | Lumbar vertebrae |
Bone? | Sacrum |
Bone? | Coccyx |
Bone? | Femur |
Bone? | Tibia |
Bone? | Fibula |
Bones? | Tarsals |
Bones? | Metatarsals |
Bones? | Phalanges |
Bone? | Calcaneus |
Bone? | Pubis |
Bone? | Ischium |
Bone? | Illium |
All 3 make the.. | Coxal bone |
Bones? | Phalanges |
Bones? | Metcarpals |
Bones? | Carpals |
Bone? | Radius |
Bone? | Ulna |
Bone? | Humerus |
Bones? | Ribs |
Bone? | Scapula |
Bone? | Parietal bone |
Bone? | Occipital bone |
Bone? | Maxilla |
Bone? | Mandible |
Bone? | Clavicle |
Bone? | Scapula |
? | Costal cartilage |
Bone? | Humerus |
Bone? | Radius |
Bone? | Ulna |
Bones? | Carpals |
Bone? | Femur |
Bone? | Patella |
Bone? | Tibia |
Bone? | Fibula |
Bones? | Tarsals |
Bones? | Metatarsals |
Bones? | Phalanges |
Bone? | Pubis |
Bone? | Ischium |
Bone? | Ilium |
Bones? | Vertebrae |
Bones? | Ribs |
Bone? | Sternum |
Bone? | Zygomatic bone |
Bone? | Nasal bone |
Bone? | Parietal bone |