CELS English Episode 21 Sports
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CELS English Episode 21 Sports - Leaderboard
CELS English Episode 21 Sports - Details
47 questions
🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 |
Béisbol | Baseball |
Bate | Bat |
Manopla de beisbol | Globe |
Base | Base |
Atrapar | Catch |
Fútbol americano | Football |
Defensa | Defense |
Ofensiva | Offence |
Aterrizaje | Touchdown |
Línea de la yarda | Yard line |
Fútbol | Soccer |
Árbitro | Referee |
Defensa | Defender |
Gol | Goal |
Campeón | Champion |
Baloncesto | Basketball |
Aro | Hoop |
Cancha | Court |
Soportes | Stands |
Falta | Foul |
Vóleibol | Volleyball |
Atleta | Athlete |
Juego | Game |
Jugador | Player |
Estadio | Stadium |
Comida | Food |
Ganar | To win |
Para anotar | To score |
Perder | To lose |
Lanzar | To pitch |
Jugar | To play |
Correr | To run |
Lanzar | To throw |
Pase | To pass |
Patear | To kick |
Hacer frente a | To tackle |
Necesito animar | I need to cheer |
Necesito tomar un trago | I need to have a drink |
Voy a comprar un bocadillo | I am going to buy a snack |
Voy a animar a mi equipo | I am going to cheer for my team |
Estoy usando mi jersey | I am wearing my Jersey |
Llevo mi pintura facial | I am wearing my Face paint |
Voy al juego con mis amigos | I am going to the game with my friends |
Voy al juego en mi carro | I am going to the game in my car |
Me encanta jugar deportes | I love playing Sports |
Me encanta jugar en un día soleado | I love playing on a sunny day |