Ch 32 Care of the Child with a Physical and Mental/Cognitive
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64 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Is acute glottis life threatening? | Yes. Pg 998 |
True or False? ADHD has a genetic basis. | True. Pg 1052 |
What is the most common type of pneumonia? | Viral is the most common. Pg 994 |
What age groups does hydrocephalus develop in? | Hydrocephalus develops during infancy an throughout life. Pg 1027 |
Which disorder is sex - linked inherited with gradual skeletal muscle wasting and weakness? | DMD pg 1024 |
What is the mass of hair and small fatty mass on the lumbar sacral area? | Spina Bifida Pg. 1031 |
In what ways can thrush be transmitted? | Contaminated hands, nipples, and pacifiers. Pg. 1039 |
What age group does LTB affect most? | LTB affects child ages 3 months to 3 years pg 997 |
What Is the immediate treatment for acute epiglottits? | Establishing an artificial airway. Pg 998 |
HIV occurs as a result of ? | Children get HIV from their mother through breast feeding, while in utero, and during delivery. Pg 990 |
What are the primary causes of hypothyroidism? | Congenital defects and defective synthesis resulting from an autoimmune process. Pg 1015 |
What is BPD? | A chronic pulmonary disorder that develops in preemies. pg 994 |
What are the signs and symptoms of BPD? | Most affected infants show signs of respiratory distress: wheezing, retracting, nasal flaring, irritability, abundant secretions, and cyanosis when stressed. Pg 994 |
Treatment for cerebral palsy | Medicine, braces, and physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Pg 1029 Botox is used to treat spasticity. |
What are the Antenatal factors regarding cerebral palsey? | Maternal infections, maternal drug ingestion, hypoxia in utero, and blood incompatibilities. Pg 1029 |
What are the symptoms of hemorrhage POST tonsillectomy? | Increased pulse (>120), pallor, frequent clearing of the throat or swallowing, and vomiting of bright red blood. Pg 997 |
What are the manifestations of hydrocephalus? | Widening and bulging of the fontanelles, separation of the cranial sutures, dilation of scalp veins, thin and shiny scalp, and rapidly increasing head circumference. Pg 1027 |
Which brace is commonly used for scoliosis? | TLSO Pg 1022 |
What is the Milwaukee brace? | Brace that covers the entire torso and has ring that encircles the neck with the rests for chin and the back of the head.Pg 1022 |
What is the TLSO brace? | The brace fits under the arm and is shaped to conform to the body. |
What is the common blood disorder that peaks between the ages 6 to 24 months of life? | Iron deficiency anemia Pg 983 |
What are the diagnostic tests for Leukemia? | CBC to indicate pancytopenia pg 988 |
Which coagulation disorder is frequent in children 2-10 years of age? | Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purport Pg 987 |
What is the medical management of acute otitis media? | Administration of antibiotics for 10 days and acetimonphen for fever and discomfort. Pg 1042 |
What are the 2 major categories of seizures? | Partial and generalized Pg 1030 |
What medications are used to control seizures? | Anticonvulsants : Tegretol, Dilantin, Cerebyx, And Depakote Pg 1030 |
What do vague physical symptoms in school aged children indicate? | School Avoidance Pg 1051 |
What medications are administered to treat JIA? | NSAIDS: Naaproxen and Ibuprofen Pg 992 |
An IQ below 25 indicates what? | Profound Pg 1048 |
What can cause RDS in the neonatal period? | A deficiency of surfactant. Pg 993 |
What do you monitor for acutane? | Depression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation. Elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Pg 1039 |
Patient teaching for a sexually active teen taking acutane | During treatment, an effective contraceptive method must be used during and for 1 month afterwards. Pg 1039 |
What cognitive impairment involves an extra chromosome? | Down syndrome Pg 1049 |
Which viral disease of childhood involves resident barking cough, suffocative, and difficulty breathing? | Croup Pg 997 |
What is the Patient teaching post tonsillectomy. | Avoid foods that are irritating or highly seasoned. Avoid gargling or vigorous brushing of the teeth. Try to avoid coughing or clearing the throat. Do not use aspirin. |
What are the diagnostic tests for pneumonia? | Radiographic examinations peripheral blood tests, and cultures. Pg 994 |
What is the patient teaching for a child with hemophilia? | RICE method. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation Pg 987 |
Which congenital abnormality involves raised eyebrows, slanted eyes, and a squared head? | Down syndrome pg 1049 |
What spinal functions are absent below defect? ( Spina Bifida ) | All motor and sensory function Pg 1032 |
What are the priority interventions post surgery with cleft plate? | Protecting the integrity of the suture line, promoting optimal nutrition, and continuing emotional support for the child and parents. Pg 1004 |
What parasitic disorder is caused by a mite? | Scabies Pg 1041 |
What are the clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism? | Cool, mottled skin, dyspnea, hyo=pothermia, lethargy, poor appetite, poor sucking reflex, prolonged jaundice, constipation, dry skin, growth delay, lethargy, mental slowness, puffy eyes. Pg 1015 Box 32.6 |
What are the 4 defects seen in the Tetralogy of Fallot? | Pulmonary stenosis, VSD, right ventricular hypertrophy, and overriding aorta. Pg 982 |
Cystic fibrosis is centered on what type of therapy? | Pulmonary therapy to ensure airway clearance. Pg 1000 |
What do they do to detect neuro tube defects? | Uterine ultrasonography and elevated levels of maternal alpha fetoprotein indicate the presence of myelomeningocele. Pg 1032 |
What are the clinical manifestations of croup? | Hoarseness, inspiratory stridor, tachypnea, nasal flaring, suprasternal, substernal, and intercostal retractions, and characteristic barking cough. Pg 997 |
Probable environmental and genetic factors of CHD | Environmental: |
What are the environmental factors of CHD? | Intrauterine rubella exposure, maternal alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, advanced maternal age, and maternal drug ingestion. |
What are the genetic factors of CHD? | A sibling or a parent with CHD, chromosomal anomalies, and the other presence of non cardiac congenital anomalies. |
What are the classifications of anemia? | Hypoproliferative ( defective production of erythrocytes) or Hemolytic (premature destruction of erythrocytes). Pg 984 |
What are the causative agents for pneumonia? | Streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, and H. Influenzae Pg. 994 |
What are the signs and symptoms of RDS? | Nasal flaring, expiratory grunting, intercostal, subcostal, or substernal retractions, duty color in skin, nails, and mucous membranes, initial tachypnea and dyspnea, and low body temp. Pg 993 |
What are the four categories of CHD? | Increased pulmonary blood flow, decreased pulmonary blood flow, obstruction to systemic blood flow, and mixed blood flow. Pg 977 |
What is some patient teaching for parasitic infections? | Carefully inspect the head of the child who scratches their head more than usual, for bite marks, erythema and nits. Read directions carefully before beginning therapy. Be aware of physiological effects, which can be highly stressful to children. Use Benadryl for pruritus |
What is atrial septal defect? | An abnormal opening in the atrial septum that enables oxygenated blood to flow from the higher pressure left atrium to the lower pressure right atrium, which causes the blood to become deoxygenated. |
What clinical manifestations would you expect from an atrial septal defect? | A harsh systolic murmur over the third intercostal space during auscultation. |
What is ventricular septal defect? | An abnormal opening in the inter ventricular septum, resulting in the flow of oxygenated blood from the higher left ventricle to the lower pressure right ventricle, which causes the blood to become deoxygenated. |
What clinical manifestations would you expect with a ventricular septal defect? | A loud hard systolic murmur and a palpable thrill. |
What is the coarctation of aorta? | The narrowing of the aorta lumen |
What clinical manifestation would you expect in the coarctation of the aorta? | The blood pressure in the arms will be 20mm Hg higher than in the legs. |
What is patent ductus arteriosus? | When the ductus arteriosus fails to close, oxygenated blood shunts from the high pressure aorta to the low pressure pulmonary artery, which causes the blood to become deoxygenated. |
What clinical manifestations would you expect in patent ductus arteriosus? | A machine like murmur audible at the upper left sternal border; widened pulse pressure; and bounding pulses. |
What happens during the transposition of the great vessels? | The pulmonary artery arises from the left ventricle and the aorta arises from the right ventricle. Venous blood starts to return to the right side oof the heart exiting through the aorta without being oxygenated, and oxygenated blood returns from the pulmonary system via the pulmonary artery too the lungs. |
What clinical manifestation do you expect to see during transposition of the great vessels? | The infant would be born with profound cyanosis. |