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A fuel is burned in a cylinder equipped with a piston. The initial volume of the cylinder is 0.250 L, and the final volume is 0.980 L. If the piston expands against a constant pressure of 1.35 atm, how much work (in J) is done? 11 L@atm = 101.3 J2

-99.8 J

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33 questions
Indicate the sign of the enthalpy change, ∆H, in the following processes carried out under atmospheric pressure and indicate whether each process is endothermic or exothermic: (a) An ice cube melts; (b) 1 g of butane 1C4H102 is combusted in sufficient oxygen to give complete combustion to CO2 and H2O.
In (a) the water that makes up the ice cube is the system. The ice cube absorbs heat from the surroundings as it melts, so ∆H is positive and the process is endothermic. In (b) the system is the 1 g of butane and the oxygen required to combust it. The combustion of butane in oxygen gives off heat, so ∆H is negative and the process is exothermic.
As indicated by Lewis structures, which of the following species could probably not exist as a stable molecule? A) NH3 B) N2H2 C) N2H4 D) N2H6 E) N2O4
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: 8.11 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | bonding | covalent bonding | exceptions to the octet rule
A 0.186 M solution of the salt NaA has a pH of 8.40. Calculate the Ka value of the acid HA. A) 3.4*10–11 B) 7.4 *10–10 C) 2.9 *10–4 D) 1.2 *102 E) none of these
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: 14.8 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | acids and bases | solutions of a weak acid or base | acid-base properties of salt solutions MSC: Quantitative
What is the hybridization of the carbon atom that is double-bonded to oxygen? A) sp B) sp2 C) sp3 D) dsp3 E) d2sp3
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 9.1 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | bonding | bonding theories | hybridization MSC: Conceptual
A substance, A2B, has the composition by mass of 60% A and 40% B. What is the composition of AB2 by mass? A) 40% A, 60% B B) 50% A, 50% B C) 27% A, 73% B D) 33% A, 67% B E) none of these
ANS: C Use an arbitrary mass, 100 g is an easy number to work with. 60% of 100 g is 60 g, there are two A's. Each A is 30 g 40 g is B, and there is only one, so B is 40 g. AB2, would have a mass of 30 g + 2*40 g = 110 g The new percent by mass composition of A is: 30g110g∗100%=27.3% The new percent by mass composition of B is: 80g110g∗100%=72.7%
You heat 3.869 g of a mixture of Fe3O4 and FeO to form 4.141 g Fe2O3. The mass of oxygen reacted is A) 0.272 g B) 0.476 g C) 1.242 g D) 1.000 g E) none of these
A Your original mixture contains iron(II, III) oxide, Fe3O4, and iron(II) oxide, FeO, in some unknown proportion. After you heat this mixture, it will react with the oxygen in the air to produce iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3. Notice that the mass of the mixture increases from 3.869 g to 4.141 g. So what causes this increase in mass? The amount of oxygen the react with the initial mixture to form the iron(III) oxide! This means that the mass of oxygen that reacted will be equal to the difference between the final mass and the initial mass of the mixture mFe2O3=mmixture+moxygen moxygen=mFe2O3−mmixture moxygen=4.141 g−3.869 g=0.272 g
23. An analytical procedure requires a solution of chloride ions. How many grams of NaCl must be dissolved to make 1.95 L of 0.0561 M Cl–? A) 3.28 g B) 0.595 g C) 6.39 g D) 1.64 g E) 12.8 g
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: 4.3 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | chemical reactions | working with solutions | concentration
A 20.0-g sample of methyl alcohol (CH3OH, molar mass = 32.04 g/mol) was dissolved in 43.3 g of water. The mole fraction of CH3OH is: A) 0.260 B) 0.624 C) 0.316 D) 4.85 E) 0.206
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 11.1 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | solutions | expressing concentration | mole fraction MSC: Quantitative
A solution contains 0.500 M HA (Ka = 1.0  10–8) and 0.432 M NaA. What is the [H+] after 0.10 mole of HCl is added to 1.00 L of this solution? A) 1.0 *10^–8 M B) 3.0 * 10^–8 M C) 5.5 * 10^21 M D) 1.8 * 10^–8 M E) none of these
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: 15.2 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | acids and bases | solutions of a weak acid or base with another solute | buffer | adding an acid or base to a buffer
Determine the initial rate of B consumption ([B]/t) for the first trial? A) 8.00  10–3 mol/L·s B) 1.60  10–2 mol/L·s C) 3.20  10–2 mol/L·s D) 4.00  10–3 mol/L·s E) none of these (A-D)
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate REF: 12.3 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | rates of reaction | reaction rate | change of concentration with time
We generally report a measurement by recording all of the certain digits plus ____ uncertain digit(s). A) no B) one C) two D) three E) four
ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: 1.5 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | general concepts | measurement | significant figures MSC: Conceptual
How many electrons are transferred in the following reaction? 2ClO3– + 12H+ + 10I–  5I2 + Cl2 + 6H2O A) 12 B) 5 C) 2 D) 30 E) 10
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 18.1 KEY: Chemistry | general chemistry | electrochemistry | half-reaction | balancing chemical equation