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Day 2 and 3- interphase

In English

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the MRNA sends a copy of DNAS instructional code from the cell nucleus to the ribosome outside of the nucleus.

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23 questions
The MRNA sends a copy of DNAS instructional code from the cell nucleus to the ribosome outside of the nucleus.
The rRNA in ribosome organelles read and translate MRNAs copy of DNA code to make the instructional protein.
Cell organelles that read and interprets MRNAS copy of DNAs genetic code to make the PROTEIN
Ribosomes are located in
Rough Edoplasmic Reticulum
Transcription step 1 is
In the cell nucleus an enzyme unzips double helix DNA
Transcription step 2 (After it unzips the double helix)
The mRNA builds by matching the RNA nucleotide building blocks to the templet DNA strand
Transcription step 3 (After MRNA matches RNA to templet DNA strand)
Newly made mRNA carries a matching copy of DNAS instructional code for one gene outside the nucleus.
Why can't DNA go out the nucleus and go to the protein?
It cannot transport out, but MRNA is small enough to be sent out.
RNA to protein
Translation step 1
MRNA is sent from the nucleus through the ribosome organelle
Translation step 2(After the mRNA is sent out)
The ribosome reads the mRNA copy of the instructional code, three letters at a time)
Translation step 3 (After the ribosome reads the mRNA IC)
As the RIbosome organelle reads the mRNA, tRNA transfers the proper amino acids to each codon in the mRNA strand based on it's matching Anti-codon.
Translation step 4 (After the tRNA transfers the amino acids to each codon based on the Anti-codon)
As the tRNA transfers the amino acids, the Ribosomes links them together, detaches and condenses into a protein.
Two new sets of DNA are produced. Each set consists of an
Original template strand and a new complementary strand.
Step two in cell replication is
Another enzyme builds two new complementary DNA strands by matching DNA nucleotide building blocks to each original template strand according to proper base pairing rules (C-G and A-T)