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devt psych

In English

Created by:
christine sioson

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100 questions
What are the four systems (NBAS)
1. autonomic 2. motor 3. state 4. social
What are the four diff states (newborns state)
1. alert inactivity 2. waking activity 3. crying 4. sleeping
A healthy baby dies suddenly with no apparent reason
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
What are the 4 phases of attachment
1. preattachment 2. attachment in the making 3. true attachment 4. reciprocal relationship
What are the forms of attachment
1. secure attachment 2. avoidant attachment 3. resistant attachment 4. disorganized (disoriented) attachment
What are the 2 dimensions of parenting?
1. degree of warmth and responsiveness 2. control
What are the risk factors associate with sids?
-born prematurely or with low birth weight -more vulnerable when their parents smoke -when baby sleep on its stomach (face down)