English Barron's
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66 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Exclusive | Restrictively |
Attribute | Characteristic |
Visibly | Notoceably |
Sufficiently | Adequately |
Stamina | Endurance |
Routinely | Ordinarily |
Rigid | Stiff |
Immense | Massive |
Extinguish | Terminate |
Brash | Reckless |
Exceedingly | Extremely |
Emit | Release |
Curious | Peculiar |
Conventional | Traditional |
Complex | Complicated |
Comparatively | Relatively |
Commonplace | Frequent |
Coarse | Rough |
Clarify | Explain |
Conceal | Hide |
Confirm | Prove |
Convinient | Practical |
Core | Chief |
Critical | Dangerous |
Discrepancy | Inconsistency |
Distort | Deform |
Diverse | Different |
Eventually | Finally |
Prosperous | Thriving |
Deliberately | Purposefully |
Reveal | Disclose, uncover, expose |
Scarcely | Hardly |
Theoretically | Hypothetically |
Determined | Strong in one's opinion, firm in conviction, to find out(resolute)решительный |
Tempt | To make it attractive to do smth, usually smth not good(entice)соблазнять |
Resilient | Strong enough to recover from difficulty or disease(tenacious)упругий |
Relinquish | To give up control(abdicate)отказаться |
Petition | Appeal(петиция) |
Mundane | Common or routine(ordinary)обыденный |
Instigate | To cause a conflict or argument(initiate)подстрекать |
Embody | To be a good example of a concept or idea(exemplify)воплощать |
Elicit | To get the facts or draw out the truth(extract)выявить |
Baffle | Puzzle(to confuse to a point at which no progress can be made) |
Designate | To specify, name, or select to do a task, to indicate(assign)назначить |
Deceptively | Making smth appear true or good when it's false or bad(misleadingly)обманчиво |
Concur | To have the same opinion or draw the same conclusion(agree) |
Astute | Very intelligent, smart(perceptive)проницательный |
Astounding | Very surprising(astonishing)(удивительно) |
Assert | To express or defend smth strongly, to state positively (declare)(утверждать) |
Arbitrary | An action or decision made with little thought or reason(haphazard)(произвольный) |
Ambiguous | Smth that can be understood in more than one way(vague)(двухсмысленный) |
Bear | To produce, to carry, to show(yield) |
Blur | To make smth difficult to see(cloud) |
Delicate | Fragile(xrupkiy) |
Enhance | Strengthen(to increase in positive way, such as value, power, or beauty |
Facilitate | To make easier, to ease the progress of |
Incessant | Nonstop, constant |
In conjunction with | Along with |
Intrigue | Fascinate |
Obstruct | Block(to prevent movement, process, success) |
Persuade | To change a belief or behavior by argument or reason(convince) |
Recompense | Compensation |
Shed | Discard |
Well-suited | Compatible(to be complementary or appropriete |
Chiefly | Mostly |