Forestry quiz 1
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Forestry quiz 1 - Details
25 questions
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What is a forest ecosystem? | A forested area that is relatively uniform in climate, soil, plants, animals and microorganisms |
What are biogeoclimatic zones? | Regions of similar vegetation. Defined by mature vegetation on zonal site. |
What are zones defined by? | Primary climax tree species |
What are subzones defined by? | Understory composition |
What are the levels of the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification system? | Biogeoclimatic zones Biogeoclimatic subzones Biogeoclimatic variant |
How is are BEC zones written? | 3 caps letters = Biogeoclimatic zones 2 lower case letters = Biogeoclimatic subzones 1 number = variant ie. CWHxm1 |
Why classify BEC zones? | • Communication • Forest management applications •Identify & protect rare ecosystems •Identify wildlife habitat • Establish riparian areas |
What does certain vegetation reflect? | Site quality; moisture and nutrition |
What are indicator plants? | Plants and plant communities occur under certain ecological conditions |
What are bryophytes? | Plants that have no vascular system? |
What are the 2 types of seeded plants? | Gymnosperms (Naked seed) - conifers Angiosperms (Ovaries/Flowers) - flowering plants |
What are the two classes of angiosperms? | Monocots (Grasses, rushes, sedges, lilies, orchids) Dicots (Broadleaf trees, shrubs, most of our herbs) |
What was the significance of The British North America Act of 1867? | Gave provinces the right to dispose of land and timber |
What is TEK? | Traditional ecological knowledge |
Why do we use the scientific naming method for plants? | More organized and consistent; one name per plant |
What is a disturbance? | A temporary change in environmental conditions |
What is forest ecology? | Study of the interrelated patterns, processes, flora, fauna and ecosystems in forests |
What are the 3 types of soil? | Sandy, loamy, and clay |
What is ecology? | The study of the interaction of organisms with each other and their environment |
What are the 5 key attributes to an ecosystem? | 1. Structure 2. Function 3. Complexity 4. Interactions between ecosystem components 5. Change over tim |
What 2 factors determine what type of forest can develop in an area? | Climate and Topography |
What are the 5 attributes of an ecosystem? | Structure: The way in which the forest in laid out Function: Each plant and animal has a role to play in the forest Complexity: The diversity of biotic and abiotic characters in the forest Interactions: The way in which the flora and fauna interact with each other Change over time: All forests change over time due to succession and/or disturbance events |
What are zonal sites and what is the significance of zonal sites? | They are sites within BEC zones or variants and are used to identify the subzones or variants. They show an average of the nutrient and moisture level |