my first course.. following the trend
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Learn French From English
Learn French From English

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Listening & SpellingSpelling: Type what you hear
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SpeakingPractice your speaking ability
Speaking & ListeningPractice pronunciation
TypingTyping only mode
FRENCH 100 - Leaderboard
FRENCH 100 - Details
100 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇫🇷 |
1 | Un |
Un | 1 |
2 | Deux |
Deux | 2 |
3 | Trois |
4 | Quatre |
5 | Cinq |
Cinq | 5 |
6 | Six |
Six | 6 |
7 | Sept |
Sept | 7 |
8 | Huit |
Huit | 8 |
9 | Neuf |
Neuf | 9 |
10 | Dix |
Dix | 10 |
11 | Onze |
Onze | 11 |
12 | Douze |
Douze | 12 |
13 | Treize |
Treize | 13 |
14 | Quatorze |
Quatorze | 14 |
15 | Quinze |
Quinze | 15 |
16 | Seize |
Seize | 16 |
17 | Dix-sept |
Dix-sept | 17 |
18 | Dix-huit |
Dix-huit | 18 |
19 | Dix-neuf |
Dix-neuf | 19 |
20 | Vingt |
Vingt | 20 |
21 | Vingt et un |
22 | Vingt-deux |
23 | Vingt trois |
24 | Vingt quatre |
25 | Vingt cinq |
26 | Vingt-six |
27 | Vingt sept |
28 | Vingt-huit |
29 | Vingt-neuf |
30 | Trente |
Trente | 30 |
31 | Trente et un |
32 | Trente deux |
33 | Trente-trois |
34 | Trente quatre |
35 | Trente cinq |
36 | Trente-six |
37 | Trente sept |
38 | Trente-huit |
39 | Trente neuf |
40 | Quarante |
Quarante | 40 |
41 | Quarante-et-un |
42 | Quarante-deux |
43 | Quarante trois |
44 | Quarante-quatre |
45 | Quarante cinq |
46 | Quarante-six |
47 | Quarante-sept |
48 | Quarante huit |
49 | Quarante-neuf |
50 | Cinquante |