Histology Slides
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48 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Identify covered blue | Zona Pellucida |
Identify covered part | Follicle Cells |
Nucleus? | Acidophilic |
Cytoplasm? | Reticulated acidophilic |
Identify red | Nucleus |
Identify yellow | Nucleolus |
Identify blue | Nissl bodies |
Nucleus? | Vesicular basophilic |
Nucleolus? | Acidophilic |
Cytoplasm? | Basophilic |
Cytoplasm? | Basophilic |
Identify sample | Nerve cell |
Identify sample | Ovary |
Identify blue | Granulosa Lutein |
Identify yellow | Theca Lutein |
Nucleus? | Acidophilic vesicular |
Identify sample | Liver |
Identify cells | Hepatocytes |
Identify sample | Bowman's capsule |
Identify blue tissue | Simple squamous |
Identify yellow tissue | Simple cuboidal |
Identify sample | Mesentery |
Identify tissue | Simple squamous |
Identify sample | Kidney |
Identify tissue | Simple cuboidal |
Identify sample | Thyroid |
Identify structure pointed | Thyroid colloid |
Identify surrounding tissue | Simple cuboidal |
Identify sample | Gallbladder |
Identify tissue | Simple columnar |
Identify sample | Ileum |
Identify tissue | Simple columnar |
Identify sample | Oviduct |
Identify tissue | Simple columnar ciliated |
Identify sample | Trachea |
Identify tissue | Pseudostratified columnar ciliated |
Identify sample | Vas Deferens |
Identify tissue | Pseudostratified columnar with stereocilia |
Identify sample | Epididymis |
Identify tissue | Pseudostratified columnar with stereocilia |
Identify sample | Esophagus |
Identify tissue | Stratified squamous nonkeratinized |
Identify sample | Skin |
Identify tissue | Stratified squamous keratinized |
Identify sample | Tongue |
Identify sample | Tongue |
Identify tissue | Serous glandular |
Identify tissue | Mucous glandular |
Identify sample | Ureter |
Identify tissue | Transitional |
Identify sample | Bladder |
Identify tissue | Transitional |
Identify tisse | Cardiac muscle |
Identify tissue | Skeletal muscle |
Identify tissue | Smooth |