BIO P1 Words/Phrases
Useful for matric Bio P1 CAPS, Past papers phrases 2019-2012
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54 questions
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A human somatic cell has | 44 autosomes and 2 gonosomes. |
A person with middle-ear infection is usually advised not to fly in an aeroplane because the | Eustachian tube is unable to equalise the pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane. |
The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary actions | Autonomic nervous system |
Measurement of the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions of an individual per year | Carbon footprint |
The part of the brain that controls the heart rate | Medulla oblongata |
The plant growth hormone that promotes seed dormancy | Abscisic acid |
The nervous system which consists of cranial and spinal nerves | Peripheral nervous system |
A branch of the autonomic nervous system that decreases the heartbeat back to normal | Parasympathetic system |
The blood vessel in the umbilical cord that carries blood rich in oxygen and nutrients | Umbilical vein |
Disease characterised by a lack of insulin production | Diabetes mellitus |
Tube that connects the pharynx and the middle ear | Eustachian tube |
The type of development in birds where the young are incapable of moving around after hatching | Altricial development |
The fibrous outgrowths of a neuron that transmits nerve impulses to the cell body of the same neuron | Dendrites |
A phenomenon where an increase in one hormone inhibits the secretion of another hormone | Negative feedback |
The maximum number of individuals that can be supported by an environment under prevailing conditions | Carrying capacity |
The increase of the internal diameter of blood vessels so that more blood flows through them | Vasodilation |
The heat-regulating centre in the brain | Hypothalamus |