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International Relations - Wight, Bull & Chiaruzzi

In English
International Relations - Wight, Bull & Chiaruzzi

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hollie moirr

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Approach to IR: Rationalists

Teleological terms

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83 questions
For Realists, in any Balance of Power has what?
Those powers satisfied with the status quo and others that are dissatisfied
Approach to IR: Revolutionists
Ethical and prescriptive terms
Approach to IR: Realists
Sociological terms
Perception of Int. Society: Realists
States are not engaged in simple struggle, but limited in their conflicts with one another by common rules and institutions
What are the Three traditions?
Realist, Rationalist, Revolutionist
Who are the three traditions named after?
Hobbes & Machiavelli, Grotius, Kant
Description of International Politics for: Revolutionists
About relations among human beings within the states
Main element stressed: Realists
International Anarchy
Main element stressed: Rationalists
International intercourse
What is Hobbesian state of nature analogy?
Everyone anticipating/prepping for war
What is foundation of existence of world politics?
Common interest in the existence of interstate rules and institutions
What kind of institutions does Bull consider
Long-term Primary Institutions
What counts as the long-term primary institutions
Fundamental set of practices and customs for the realisation and maintenance of international order
"Anarchical society": What does this capture?
Fundamental Political organisation of relations among states and other political units in world politics
Problem with 'Individual Justice'
No genuine protection of human rights, only selective protection dependent on states objectives
Order is what
A generally enchanced value
What do demands for justice involve?
States, individuals and whole humanity
What makes a State System?
Interaction between states sufficient enough to make the behaviour of each a necessary element in the calculations of the other.
What makes an International Society?
Group of states that are bound by a common set of rules with their relations to one another.
What can happen once an international society takes place?
Rules and Institutions could be exported to states in the system belonging to other cultures
What are the UN and League of Nations associated with?
Process of making rules for international conduct
In Bull's terms, why would the UN and League of Nations be considered eligible for International Society title?
General membership involved the activities Bull listed as grounds for International Society
What an International Society is conscious of.
Certain common interests and common values
What happens in a State System?
States are in regular contact with one another
How does a Power become a Great Power?
A successful war against another Great Power
What is a Nationality?
People with consciousness of historic identity expressed in distinct language
What does Nation mean in Asia & Africa?
Political unit asserting its right of independent statehood against European domination
What makes Power?
Size of population
War threatens what?
International community
Collective security references what?
Last century between 2 World Wars
For Pacism, how do they reject the idea that war is inevitable?
History is not forever, resolving conflicts between individuals can change it
For Pacism, they reject war. Why?
Pacism rejects violence, therefore rejecting distinction between just and unjust war
IR started with analysing the state of war and how it came to be. Why is this?
Every theory is used to try prevent another war and recognise it
What can you use armed forces to do?
Threaten other armed forces
International Law is the principle of what?
Non-interference in the internal affairs of states in this sense and its limited
What can be considered the Heart of International Law?
Idea that humanity is divided into states & commits a principle of order
Why is International Law anarchic?
Rules that Int. Court give cannot be imposed by any world government
How can International Law expose the Balance of Powers between states?
Shared states impose the law, some may have a greater impact/say than others