Latin Indicative 1 & 2
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72 questions
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Laudo | I praise |
Laudas | You praise |
Laudat | He praises |
Laudamus | We praise |
Laudatis | You all praise |
Laudant | They praise |
Laudabam | I was praising |
Laudabas | You were praising |
Laudabat | He was praising |
Laudabamus | We were praising |
Laudabatis | You all were praising |
Laudabant | They were praising |
Laudabo | I will praise |
Laudabis | You will praise |
Laudabit | He will praise |
Laudabimus | We will praise |
Laudabitis | You all will praise |
Laudabunt | They will praise |
Laudavi | I have praised |
Laudavisti | You have praised |
Laudavit | He has praised |
Laudavimus | We have praised |
Laudavistis | You all have praised |
Laudaverunt | They have praised |
Laudaveram | I had praised |
Laudaveras | You had praised |
Laudaverat | He had praised |
Laudaveramus | We had praised |
Laudaveratis | You had praised |
Laudverant | They had praised |
Laudavero | I will have praised |
Laudaveris | You will have praised |
Laudaverit | He will have praised |
Laudaverimus | We will have praised |
Laudaveritis | You all will have praised |
Laudaverint | They will have praised |
Moneo | I advise |
Mones | You advise |
Monet | He advises |
Monemus | We advise |
Monetis | You all advise |
Monent | They advise |
Monebam | I was advising |
Monebas | You were advising |
Monebat | He was advising |
Monebamus | We were advising |
Monebatis | You all were advising |
Monebant | They were advising |
Monebo | I will advise |
Monebis | You will advise |
Monebit | He will advise |
Monebimus | We will advise |
Monebitis | You all will advise |
Monebunt | They will advise |
Monui | I have advised |
Monuisti | You have advised |
Monuit | He has advised |
Monuimus | We have advised |
Monuistis | You all have advised |
Monuerunt | They have advised |
Monueram | I had advised |
Monueras | You had advised |
Monuerat | He had advised |
Monueramus | We had advised |
Monueratis | You all had advised |
Monuerant | They had advised |
Monuero | I will have advised |
Monueris | You will have advised |
Monuerit | He will have advised |
Monuerimus | We will have advised |
Monueritis | You all will have advised |
Monuerint | They will have advised |