Latin Vocabulary #12
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Quot (adjective) | How many? |
Semel (adverb) | Once |
Vagor, vagari, vagatus sum (verb) | To wander, roam |
Decet, decere, decuit, --- (verb) | It is fitting, seemly |
Modo (adverb) | Just now, immediately, only |
Fretum, freti, n. (noun) | (lit.: where the sea churns), straits, channel |
Nequiquam (adverb) | In vain, without reason |
Ceteri, ceterae, cetera (adjective) | The others |
Laetus, laeta, laetum (adjective) | Cheerful, glad, pleasant |
Vestigium, vestigii, n. (noun) | Foot-print, trace |
Voluntas, voluntatis, f. (noun) | Will, wish |
Laevus, laeva, laevum (adjective) | Left, unlucky |
Mensa, mensae, f. (noun) | (lit.: measured piece of furniture), table |
Prae (preposition) | In front of, before, in comparison with |
Letum, leti, n. (noun) | Death, annihilation |
Recedo, recedere, recessi, recessum (verb) | To fall back, give ground |
Limen, liminis, n. (noun) | Threshold, lintel |
Donec (conjunction) | While, as long as, until |
Tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum (verb) | To stretch, aim at |
Caelum, caeli, n. (noun) | Sky, heaven |
Permitto, permittere, permisi, permissum (verb) | To let go through, allow |
Potestas, potestatis, f. (noun) | Power, control |
Parco, parcere, peperci, (parsurus) (verb) | To spare (+dat.) |
Tantus (adjective) | Of such size, degree |
Terreo, terrere, terrui, territum (verb) | To frighten |
Quamlibet (conjunction) | However much |
Barbarus, barbara, barbarum (adjective) | Foreign, strange |
Ulterius (adverb) | Later |
Vadum, vadi, n. (noun) | Ford, bottom of the sea, waters |
Gemitus, gemitus, m. (noun) | Sigh, lamentation |
Iuvencus, iuvenci, m. (noun) | Bull calf |
Niteo, nitere, nitui, --- (verb) | To shine, glitter |
Rabies, rabiei, f. (noun) | Ferocity, frenzy |
Effor, effari, effatus sum (verb) | To utter, tell |