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Latin Vocabulary #2

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Learn English From Latin

Created by:
Andrew Garlick

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carcer, carceris, m. (noun)

jail, prison

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100 questions
Ex(s)ul, ex(s)ulis, m. or. f. (noun)
(lit.: away from native soil), banished person
Celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratum (verb)
To do something frequently, honor
Almus, alma, almum (adjective)
Nourishing, bountiful, kind
Dirus, dira, dirum (adjective)
Unlucky, fearful, dread
Tuus, tua, tuum (adjective)
Thy, thine, your, yours
Nemus, nemoris, n. (noun)
Forest pasture, grove
Thalamus or thalamos, thalami, m. (noun)
Inner room, bedchamber, marriage
Dum (conjunction)
While, as long as, until
Ut (conjunction)
Though, suppose, whereas
Proicio, proicere, proieci, proiectum (verb)
To fling forth, extend forward
Triumphus, triumphi, m. (noun)
Victory procession, triumph
Statim (adverb)
Dubius, dubia, dubium (< duo + habeo) (adjective)
(lit.: held two ways), doubtful, uncertain
Ago, agere, egi, actum (verb)
To put in motion, drive, conduct
Quandoquidem (conjunction)
Since indeed, inasmuch as
Classis, classis, f. (noun)
(lit.: people called together), rank, fleet
Germanus, germana, germanum (adjective)
Born of the same parents, genuine
Obiceo, obicere, obieci, obiectum (verb)
To throw in the way, oppose
Foris, foris, f. (noun)
(leaf of a) door
Passus, passus, m. (noun)
Pace, step, stride
Quasi (adverb)
As it were, about
Error, erroris, m. (noun)
Perplexity, mistake
Fines, finium, m. (noun)
Territory, country
Pariter (adverb)
Equally, alike
Sermo, sermonis, m. (noun)
Talk, conversation, discourse
Ars, artis, f. (noun)
(lit.: the craft of fitting things), skill, art
Mitis, mite (adjective)
Soft, sweet, mild
Atque (conjunction)
But, on the contrary
Coma, comae. f. (noun)
Hair of the head, mane
Prout (conjunction)
Like as, according as
Solitudo, solitudinis, f. (noun)
Solitariness, loneliness
Vir, viri, m. (noun)
Man, adult male,
Infelix, infelicis (adjective)
Unhappy, unfortunate
Contraho, contrahere, contraxi, contractum (verb)
To draw together, cause to shrink
Quando (conjunction)
Whenever, while
Praesidium, praesidii, n. (noun)
Protection, stronghold
Versus, versus, m. (noun)
(lit.: one turn of the plough), line, verse
Lenis, lene (adjective)
Slow, soft, mild
Quoque (adverb)
Also, too, likewise