CELS English Episode 6 Let's Eat
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CELS English Episode 6 Let's Eat - Details
44 questions
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Necesito lechuga en mi sándwich | I need lettuce on my sandwich |
Necesito lechuga en mi sándwich | I need lettuce on my sandwich |
Bistec | Steak |
Chuleta | T-Bone |
Pollo | Chicken |
Frito | Fried |
Papas | Potatoes |
Tomates | Tomatoes |
Mantequilla | Butter |
Margarina | Margarine |
Macarrones | Macaroni |
Queso | Cheese |
Pan | Bread |
Galletas | Cookies |
Pan | Rolls |
Vamos | Let’s |
Papas fritas | Chips |
Cacahuates | Peanuts |
Almendras | Almonds |
Dip | Dip |
Sándwich | Sandwich |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Pepinillos | Pickles |
Jamón | Ham |
Pavo | Turkey |
Salchicha | Hotdog |
Hamburguesa | Hamburger |
Hornear | To bake |
Asar | To grill |
Freír | To fry |
Hervir | To boil |
Derretir | To melt |
Mezclar | To mix |
Batir | To stir |
Cocinar | To cook |
Botaniar | To snack |
Pedir | To order |
Me gusta hornear | I like to bake |
Me encanta freír pollo | I love to fry chicken |
Quiero asar un bistec | I want to grill a steak |
Me encanta cocinar | I love to cook |
Hagamos un sándwich de jamón | Let's make a ham sandwich |
Quiero pedir una hamburguesa, papas fritas y un refresco | I want to order a hamburger, french fries and a soda |
Quiero algo de comida frita | I want some fried food |
Necesito lechuga en mi sándwich | I need lettuce on my sandwich |
Me gustan las patatas fritas y dip con mi sándwich | I like chips and dip with my sandwich |