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LF263 Evolution L7-9

In English

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Alex Rapai

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2 essential parts of Darwins Theory

1 Common descent 2 Mechanisms of selection and mutation

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LF263 Evolution L7-9 - Details



33 questions
2 essential parts of Darwins Theory
1 Common descent 2 Mechanisms of selection and mutation
Traditional Classification by Linne, Cuvier
Observation of nested character states, no subdivision between old and derived, binomial classification
Likelihood of transmission of ontogenetic information across generations depends on
Adaptive traits, sexual selection (no. of offspring) and chance
Von Baer's Law
Larval stages are often very similar to each other than adult stages
Evolution is chain of ontogenies
Common ancestor had processes in place that led to similar features in descendants
What is a character?
Any assayable feature carried at high freq in pop, not all are useful but the synapomorphic ones (by Hennig)
Relative terms in triad
Sister groups , outgroups, paraphyletic grouping: does not include all descendants of a common ancestor, (syn)apomorphy: new character only shared between sister groups and plesiomorphy: older character shared by several taxa
Monophyletic group, Stem group
Monophyletic group = group of all taxa derived from a common ancestor, including this ancestor Stem group = ancestral taxon of monophyletic group not shared with other monoph grouping
Computational approaches to calculate parsimonious trees
1 Calculate Matrix Q 2 Find the pair taxa with the lowest Matrix Q value 3 Create a node to join the two taxa 4 Calculate distance of each pair taxa to new node 5 Calculate distance of every taxa to node 6 start algorithm again
Adding fossils to taxa
They give info about the state and transition of a character 1 Establish a tree with monophyletic groups 2 Map characters into a tree and infer from outgroups primitive conditions 3 Extend knowledge by mapping older taxa More character info can change the polarity of character changes
Total groups
Include the crown group of interest plus all extinct forms more closely related to that lineage than any other living species Crown group = the last common ancestor of a group of living species plus all of its descendants.
Character Evolution
1 Establish a pasrimonious set of equally likely trees on a large set of features 2 Map characters and their changes onto the tree 3 Determine the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes
Extant phylogenetic bracket
Inferential tool when dealing with inaccessible organisms
Ow can we trace the sources of similarity/homology?
Study character evolution use plesiomorphic genetic features to label common (homologous) populations of cells
Constraints on mutational change: forces of conservation
Developmental or genetic coupling of different features as their development uses the same genes and pathways. Common cell pops Important genes do not get modulated much through mutations
Hox genes
Vertebrae types directly correlate with the prior gene expression domains of Hox genes across different vertebrate species, thus changes in expression domains could generate diverse morphologies. First expressed in the CNS, somites and unpaired fins; Paired fins evolved after unpaired fins Later in evolution Hox gene codes are coopted to the paired fins and are used to subdivide them molecularly; Cooption of a molecular programme from one body region to another!
The expression domain of the HoxD13 paralogs Sets up the territory for digits of the autopod! Shifts in that domain in evolution change number and shape of digits. These shifts are part of the second wave of hox expression
Hox genes pt 2
Collinearity of hox gene = Position + time and space of gene expression Cooption of rested hox gene expression into paired appendages Cluster position determines proximo-distal position and timing of expression Late expression domains are used for the formation of digits Changing of Hox and GLi gene dosage, change the digit numbers Re-use of hox genes in therian mammalians to differentiate reproductive organs
Mechanistic concept underpinning character evolution
CRMs (cis-regulatory modules, enhancers, silencers) Modular control units of gene expression
Homology - conservation of developmental programmes
What stays the same. Inherited trait from common ancestor due to inherited process of generating that trait
Tinkering with ontogeny leads to
Changes in developmental timing of individual sub-programmes and ensuing structures. Deviation, addition of ontogenetic end stages. Paedomorphosis and neoteny, adult of descendant like juvenile by 1 acceleration of sexual maturation while somatic maturation is constant 2 delay in somatic maturation while sexual maturation stays constant 3 Loss of end stages of ontogeny
Larval specializations and how to resolve complex character changes.
Change speed of development
Modularity: forelimbs vs hindlimbs
Tbx5 specifies forelimb, Tbx4 specifies hindlimb characteristics. They are controlled by Hox genes along the AP body axis!
Elaboration of early programme by changing end stages: gripping hand, opposable thumb. Temporal axis turns into physical axis: digits form and individualize last! Late blockage will prevent individuation of fingers – yielding paddles/flippers!
The developmental hourglass and phylotypic stage
Quantifying genetic processes for each developmental stage. There are certain stages in which highly conserved gene networks are active across many related species - the phylotypic stage/period
Phylostratigraphic maps
Assign ages to genes Ranks them gives them weighting
Hourglass: The transcriptome age index (TAI)
Determine which age are most active
The most basic elements of gene regulation and its change
Pax and Otx transcription factors CRMs - Heterochrony, boxes of DNA with highly conserved binding sites with transcription factors
Body appendages
All appendages depend on Dll (distalless) gene action BUT the instructions of how many legs an animal has evolved independently. Butterfly eyespots re-utilize a gene wingless that makes appendages. Wingless activates Distalless (DLL) to make the eye spot
Pax6 cooptions for vision and brain Formation – making master predators Photopigment cell Photoreceptor cell gene and protein network already existed In our coral-like ancestor Cooption of a Pax6 programme to other body regions making many eyes in the ectodermal tissues
Exon shuffling and lateral gene transfer Pax 6
Ancient cyanobacterial transposase. Hitched from a dinoflagellate alga – was related to transposases! Paired domain of Pax6 derived from DNABD of the TC1 transposon; lateral gene transfer has moved Pax6 to diploblastic hosts
Exon shuffling to generate evolutionary novetlies
Enormous gain of introns, exon shuffling as mechanism to generate novelty, Evolution of Notch and hedgehog signalling molecules, evolution of collagen