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59 questions
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Hortor, hortārī (1), hortātus sum | Encourage, urge |
Imperō, imperāre (1), imperāvī, imperātus | Command, order |
Praeficiō, praeficere (3), praefēcī, praefectus | Put in charge (of) |
Reperiō, reperīre (4), repperī, repertus | Find out, discover, learn |
Ēripiō, ēripere (3), ēripuī, ēreptus | Tear away, steal, rescue |
Licet, licēre (2), licuit or licitum est (impers.) | It is allowed/permitted, one may |
Mūniō, mūnīre (4), mūnīvī, mūnītus | Fortify, secure, build |
Oportet, oportēre (2), oportuit (impers.) | It is right, one must (+ Accus. + infin.) |
Opus, operis, n. | (complete) work, fortification |
Vulnus, vulneris, n. | Wound |
Coepī, coepisse, coeptus (defective) | Began, started |
Negō, negāre (1), negāvī, negātus | Say…not, deny |
Occurrō, occurrere (3), occucurrī or occurrī, occursum | Run into, meet |
Tālis, tāle | Such, of such a kind |
Tam | So (modifies adjs. & advs.) |
Potior, potīrī (4), potītus sum | Get possession of |
Ūtor, ūtī (3), ūsus sum | Use, employ (+ Abl.) |
Imperium, imperiī, n. | Command, power, rule |
Multitūdō, multitūdinis, f. | Great number, crowd, multitude, majority |
Tandem (adv.) | At last, finally |
Condō, condere (3), condidī, conditus | Found, establish, build |
Legō, legere (3), lēgī, lēctus | Gather, choose, read |
Alter, altera, alterum (Gen. s. alterīus; Dat. s. alterī) | The other (of two) |
Neuter, neutra, neutrum (Gen. s. neutrīus; Dat. s. neutrī) | Neither (of two) |
Uter, utra, utrum (Gen. s. utrīus; Dat. s. utrī) | Which? (of two) |
Uterque, utraque, utrumque (Gen. s. utrīusque; Dat. s. utrīque | Each (of two), both |
Augeō, augēre (2), auxī, auctus | Increase, enlarge |
Ōdī, ōdisse (3), ōsus | Hate, dislike |
Perturbō, perturbāre (1), perturbāvī, perturbātus | Throw into confusion, alarm |
Resistō, resistere (3), restitī | Resist, oppose (intrans. + dat.) |
Aciēs, aciēī, f. | Line of battle, battle line |
Cīvitās, cīvitātis, f. | State, community |
Lēgātus, lēgātī, m. | Officer, envoy, ambassador |
Pars, partis, f. | Part, direction, section; |
In omnēs partēs | In all directions |
Societās, societātis, f. | Alliance, association |
Duodecim (indecl. adj.) | Twelve |
Firmus, firma, firmum | Strong, stable |
Pār, paris (adj. + Dat.) | Equal, like |
Hinc | From here, hence |
Caedō, caedere (3), cecīdī, caesus | Kill, slaughter |
Cōnsistō, cōnsistere (3), cōnstitī, | Make a stand, halt, stand |
Cōnspiciō, cōnspicere (3), cōnspexī, cōnspectus | Catch sight of , observe |
Opprimō, opprimere (3), oppressī, oppressus | Overwhelm, crush |
Orior, orīrī (4), ortus sum | Arise, rise, spring (from) |
Sustineō, sustinēre (2), sustinuī, sustentus | Withstand, endure, support |
Vix | Hardly, scarcely |
Jūdicō, jūdicāre (1), jūdicāvī, jūdicātus | Judge, deem |
Praestō, praestāre (1), praestitī, praestitum | Stand before, excel |
Amīcitia, –ae, f. | Friendship |
Jūs, jūris, n. | Right, rights, law |
Integer, integra, integrum | Whole, entire, fresh |