Medical suffixes, prefixes, and roots.
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Medical suffixes, prefixes, and roots. - Leaderboard
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197 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
A- , an- | Without, not, lack of |
Ab- | Away from |
Ad- , af- | To, towards, near |
Ante- | Before, forward, in front of |
Anti- | Against |
Auto- | Self |
Bi- | Double, two, twice |
Bio- | Life |
Brady- | Slow |
Circum- | Around |
Co-, com-, con- | With, together |
Cyan- | Blue |
Dextro- | Right |
Contra- | Against, opposite |
De- | Down, from |
Dia- | Across, through, apart |
Dis- | Apart, free from |
Dys- | Difficult, abnormal |
Ecto- | Outer, outside |
En- | In, into, within |
Endo- | Inner, inside |
Epi- | Over, on, upon |
Eryth- | Red |
Eu- | Normal, good, well, healthy |
Ex- | Out, out of, from, away from |
Hemi- | Half |
Hyper- | Excessive, too much, high |
Hypo- | Under, decreased, less than normal |
In- | In, into, within, not |
Infra- | Within |
Inter- | Between |
Intra- | Into, within |
Leuk- | White |
Macro- | Large |
Mal- | Illness, disease |
Meg- | Large |
Micro- | Small |
Mono- | One, single |
Muco- | Mucous |
Neo- | New |
Non- | Not |
Olig- | Small, scant |
Para- | Beside, beyond, after |
Per- | By, through |
Peri- | Around |
Poly- | Many, much |
Post- | After, behind |
Pre- | Before, in front of, prior to |
Pro- | Before, in front of |
Re- | Again, backward |
Retro- | Backward, behind |
Sang- | Blood |
Semi- | Half |
Sero- | Thin, watery fluid |
Sub- | Under, beneath |
Super- | Above, over, excess |
Supra- | Above, over |
Tachy- | Fast, rapid |
Trans- | Across, over |
Uni- | One |
Di- | Two |
Ect-, exo-, extra- | Outside |
Semi- | Half |
Malen-, mele- | Black |
Necr- | Dead |
Noct- | Night |
Orth- | Straight |
Pleur- | Rib, side |
Presby- | Elder, old |
Pseudo- | False |
Sten- | Narrow |
Syn- | With, together |
Abdomin (o) | Abdomen |
Aden (o) | Gland |
Adren (o) | Adrenal gland |
Angi (o) | Vessel |
Arteri (o) | Artery |
Arthr (o) | Joint |
Bronch (o) | Bronchus |
Card, cardi (o) | Heart |
Cephal (o) | Head |
Chole, chol (o) | Bile |
Chondr (o) | Cartilage |
Col (o) | Colon, large intestine |
Cost (o) | Rib |
Crani (o) | Skull |
Cyan (o) | Blue |
Cyst (o) | Bladder, cyst |
Cyt (o) | Cell |
Dent (o) | Tooth |
Derma | Skin |
Duoden (o) | Duodenum |
Encephal (o) | Brain |
Enter (o) | Intestines |
Fibr (o) | Fibre, fibrous |
Gastr (o) | Stomach |
Gloss (o) | Tongue |
Gluc (o) | Sweetness, glucose |
Glyc (o) | Sugar |
Gyn, gyne, gynec (o) | Woman |