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Medical terms first year - Leaderboard
Medical terms first year - Details
200 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Subcutaneous | Subcutanat |
Intravenous | Intravenos |
Hemithorax | Hemithorax |
Joint pain | Joint |
Within a muscle | Intramuscular |
A point of transition | Cuspid |
Inflammation of a joint or joints | Arthritis |
Mai multe artrite | Arthritides |
Dinte | Tooth |
Dinti | Teeth |
Progenitura | Offspring |
Pete | Patches |
The act of changing the natural color of something by making it duller or dingier or unnatural or faded | Discoloration |
Neoxigenat | Deoxygenated |
Mouth | Oral cavity |
Stomata | Stoma pl |
Traumata | Trauma pl |
Carcinomata | Carcinoma pl |
Deglutiție | Indigestions |
A frige | To brail |
Eratic | Disorder |
Normal relaxed breathing | Eupnea |
Any of numerous small green nonvascular plants of the class Hepaticopsida growing in wet places and resembling green seaweeds or leafy mosses | Hepatic steatosis |
Ficat marit | Enlarged liver disease |
Hepatic insufficiency | Hypohepatia |
Fetuși | Fetuses |
Fetus | Feta |
Rata de asimilare | Bio availability |
Beginning | Onset |
A picura | To instill |
A reprezenta grafic | Plotting |
Thrombus | Coagulum |
Colorant | Dyes |
Solutie tampon | Buffering |
The act of prolonging something | Prolongation |
Oral rectal | Enteral |
Rinita alergica | Severe allergic |
In an opposing direction | Adverse |
Ritm somn-veghe | Circadian rhythms |
Nastere copil | Child birth |
Lauzie | Puerperium |
Absorbtion vs absorption | Drug absorption |
Rata metabolica | Metabolic rate |
Breast | Feeding infant |
A specialist in gerontology | Geriatrician |
A specialist in the care of babies | Pediatrician |
Blood string | Blood flow |
Mammo | Masto |
Produse lactate | Dairy products |
Ophthalmology | Ophthalmologist |
Revaccination | Booster shot |
Plan pt mâncare | Meal plan |
Pathogen | Microorganism |
Pref pt negru | Melano |
Gripa porcina | Swine flu |
Prf vase sange | Angio |
Dinte/dinti | Dens sg |
Dentist | Dental |
Stomatolog | Stomatologist |
Stomata pl osseus | Stomaossa pl |
Hepar | Liver |
Ficat gras | Fatty liver |
Ficat cedat | Failure liver |
Ren calculi | Kidney stones |
An inflammation of the kidney | Nephritis |
Otravire cu cianuri | Drug poisoning |
Doza de atac | Initial dosage |
Fertilize by transfering pollen | Pollinate |
Mucegai | Mold |
Bacterial adjectiv | Bacteria pl |
Relating to or affecting the lungs | Pulmonary |
Picioare grele | Feet |
Fitness | Health |
Sg | Renal calculus |
Rennes players | Renal adj |