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1138 questions
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総計 | そうけい・total; sum |
総計 | そうけい・total; sum |
しつけ | Discipline |
総計 | そうけい・total; sum |
つくづくれ | Deeply, greatly |
養う | やしなう・provide forせ |
自立する | じりつ・independent¥ |
世間知らず | せけんしらず・ignorant of the outside world |
納得 | なっとく・acknowledgement |
逆らう | さからう・to go against; to oppose; to disobey; to defy |
継ぐ | つぐ・to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.); to inherit; to take over; to follow |
険しい | けわしい・precipitous; rugged; inaccessible; impregnable; steep |
安静 | あんせい・rest; quiet; repose |
静まる | しずまる・to become quiet; to quiet down; to quieten down |
危機 | きき・crisis; critical situation; emergency; pinch |
危うい | あやうい・dangerous; in danger; facing imminent danger |
係員 | かかりいん・person in charge; official; attendant |
転落 | てんらく・fall; tumble; spill; plunge; dive |
落第 | らくだい・failure (in an examination); failing to advance (to the next year) |
落石 | らくせき・falling rocks; fallen rocks |
磁石 | じしゃく・magnet、compass |
四捨五入 | ししゃごにゅう・rounding (off; a number); rounding half away from zero |
遊泳 | ゆうえい・swimming; bathing |
水泳 | すいえい・Human swimming |
喫茶店 | きっさてん・coffee shop; tearoom; coffee lounge; coffeehouse; cafe |
喫煙所 | きつえんじょ・smoking area; smoking corner |
非常に | ひじょう・very; extremely; exceedingly |
非常口 | ひじょうぐち・emergency exit |
御手洗 | おてあらい・toilet; restroom; lavatory; bathroom |
付近 | ふきん・neighborhood; neighbourhood; vicinity; environs; surrounding area; district |
受付 | うけつけ・reception (desk); information desk; receptionist; information clerk |
日付 | ひづけ・date; dating |
社内 | しゃない・within a company; in-house |
会議室 | かいぎしつ・conference room; council room |
議論 | ぎろん・argument; discussion; dispute; controversy |
不思議 | ふしぎ・wonderful; marvelous; strange; incredible; amazing; curious; miraculous; mysterious |
化粧室 | けしょうしつ・toilet; lavatory; powder room |
段階 | だんかい・stage; step; phase |
一段と | いちだんと・even more |
石段 | いしだん・(flight of) stone steps; stone stairway |
営業 | えいぎょう・business; trade; operations |
放送 | ほうそう・broadcasting; broadcast; program; announcement |
開放厳禁 | かいほうげんきん・dont leave/open |
放す | はなす・to release; to let go; to free; to set free; to let loose; to turn loose |
押入れ | おしいれ・closet (built into the wall of a room); (built-in) wardrobe |
水準 | すいじゅん・level; standard |
準急 | じゅんきゅう・semi-express train; local express train; sub-express train |
準決勝 | じゅんけっしょう・semifinal |
備品 | びひん・fixtures; furnishings; equipment |
定員 | ていいん・fixed number (of people); prescribed number (of regular personnel, students, etc.); quota; numerical limit; complement |
定食 | ていしょく・set meal; special (of the day) |
定規 | じょうぎ・(measuring) ruler |
流行 | りゅうこう・fashion; trend; vogue; craze; fad; popularity |
清書 | せいしょ・fair copy; clean copy |
清い | きよい・clean; clear |
清流 | せいりゅう・clear stream |
清掃 | せいそう・cleaning; clean-up; garbage collection; scavenging |
掃く | はく・to sweep; to brush; to clean |
閉会 | へいかい・closure (of a ceremony, event, meeting, etc.) |
閉店 | へいてん・closing up shop (for the day) |
点検 | てんけん・inspection; examination; checking |
検問 | けんもん・inspection; examination; check |
同窓会 | どうそうかい・alumni association; graduates' association; alumni meeting; class reunion |
切符 | きっぷ・ticket |
精算 | せいさん・exact calculation; squaring of accounts; adjustment |
精神 | せいしん・mind; spirit; soul; heart; ethos |
計算 | けいさん・calculation; reckoning; count |
足し算 | たしざん・addition |
改める | あらためる・to change; to alter; to revise; to replace |
改札口 | かいさつぐち・ticket barrier; ticket gate; wicket |
札 | ふだ・ticket; token; check; receipt |
窓口 | まどぐち・counter; window; teller window; ticket window |
下線 | かせん・underline; underscore |
線路 | せんろ・railway track; railway line; railroad; railway; track; line |
新幹線 | しんかんせん・Shinkansen; bullet train |
刻む | きざむ・to carve; to engrave; to chisel; to notch |
符号 | ふごう・sign; mark; symbol; code |
快速 | かいそく・ high speed; rapidity |
快い | こころよい・pleasant; agreeable; comfortable; refreshing |
早速 | さっそく・at once; immediately; without delay; promptly |
通路 | つうろ・passage; pathway; roadway; avenue; aisle |
経由 | けいゆ・going through; going via; going by way of |
不自由 | ふじゆう・inability; disability; impairment (physical, mental, etc.); nonfluency (in a language) |
深夜 | しんや・late at night |
深刻 | しんこく・serious; severe; grave; acute |
深い | ふかい・deep |
降車口 | こうしゃぐち・exit (for disembarking passengers) |
下降 | かこう・descent; fall; drop; decline; downturn; subsidence |
両面 | りょうめん・both sides; two sides; double-sided |
両替 | りょうがえ・change; money exchange |
着替える | きがえる・to change (one's clothes) |
為替 | かわせ・money order; draft、exchange (e.g. foreign) |
運賃 | うんちん・(passenger) fare |
分割 | ぶんかつ・partition; division; separation; segmenting; splitting |
時間割 | じかんわり・timetable (esp. a weekly school timetable); schedule |
割増 | わりまし・extra (charge, fare, etc.); premium; bonus; (after a number) tenths increase |
優先 | ゆうせん・preference; priority; precedence |
優れる | すぐれる・to surpass; to outstrip; to excel |
側面 | そくめん・side; flank; profile; sidelight; lateral |
銀行口座 | ぎんこうこうざ・bank account |