Part 2: US Society in the 1920s | Memory

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Part 2: US Society in the 1920s

In English

Created by:
Lewis Gant 45m3

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Part 2: US Society in the 1920s - Details



35 questions
The nation’s total wealth
More than doubled between 1920 and 1929.
The 1920s were an age of
Dramatic social and political change
Americans had extra money to spend,
And they spent it on consumer goods.
Consumer goods:
Examples included, ready-to-wear clothes, home appliances like electric refrigerators and cars.
In 1924
The Ford Model T cost just $260.
In 1929 there was
One car on the road for every five Americans.
There were many features of the roaring 1920s. These included:
Town vs. country, Entertainment, Radio, Jazz, Cinema and the Car.
Saw more Americans living in cities than in the countryside.
The term ‘Roaring Twenties’ is particularly associated with
Entertainment and changing morality during the 1920s
Older generations saw jazz
As a corrupting influence on the young people of the USA.
During the 1920s movies became
A multi-billion dollar business
The cost of a movie ticket was
Between 10 and 20 cents
Theda Bara, Clara Bow and Rudolph Valentino
Were all major movie stars in the 1920s
The term 'melting pot' means
A place where different peoples, styles, theories, etc. are mixed together.
The term ‘Great Migration’ refers to
Former black southern slaves moving to the Northern cities of America
White Anglo Saxon Protestants
A movement towards modifying traditional beliefs in accordance with modern ideas
Karl Marx’s suggestion that individuals were motivated by economics
Was a key point in the progressive modernist mindset.
Religious fundamentalism
A form of a religion, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.
The majority of people were becoming less religious in the 1920s, but
Those that did attend Church were becoming more radical.
In 1919 approximately
110,000 people immigrated to the U.S.
In 1920 approximately
430,000 people immigrated to the U.S
In 1921 approximately
800,000 people immigrated to the U.S
In 1921 Congress passed
The Emergency Quota Act
The Emergency Quota Act
Limited immigration to 3% of the number of immigrants from that country already living in the United States as defined by the census of 1910.
In 1924 Congress adjusted the quota system
So it was based on the census of 1890 when few southern Europeans had arrived.
Figures from the 1920s showed that
58.5% of the population had white parents
Literacy tests: 1917
Created a “barred zone” extending from the Middle East to Southeast Asia
The National Origins Act, 1924:
Reduced the maximum number of immigrants to 150,000 per year and cut the quota to 2 per cent, based on the population of the USA in 1890.