Psychology Paper 1
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Psychology Paper 1 - Details
32 questions
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What research support is there for minority influence? | Moscovisci et al |
What research support is there for minority influence? | Moscovisci et al |
NA | NA |
What research support is there for minority influence? | Moscovisci et al |
What research support is there for minority influence? | Moscovisci et al |
How did Milgram research obedience? (baseline) | By having a 'teacher' participant administer electric shocks each time a confederate 'learner' got an answer wrong, eventually reaching 450volts (lethal) |
What were the findings of Milgram's baseline study? | 65% of participants went to the lethal 450v, some resisted and showed extreme stress but still continued |
Which research supports Milgram's baseline study? | 'game of death' which 80% of pps delivered a lethal 460volts to participants on failure. |
Why does Milgram's baseline study have low internal validity? | Participants didn't believe they were harming the learner, they were only responding to demand characteristics |
Why does Milgram's baseline study have low population validity? | He only used male American participants, so it is not generalizable to other countries/genders. -supporting ev; Australian replica studies found 40% conformity in males and 15% in females |
What did Milgram look into in the situational variables for obedience study? | Location, proximity & uniform |
What results were found in Milgram's situational variables of obedience study? | Higher obedience on location due to shared legitimacy; drop in obedience on touch proximity & even lower at remote proximity; uniform encouraged higher obedience |
What research is there to support Milgram's variation's of obedience study? | Bickham's uniform authority study - supports view uniform has effect on obedience |
Why does Milgram's variation study have low internal validity? | Responded to demand characteristics, didn't believe they were harming the learner. Findings unclear whether results were valid. |
Why does Milgram's variation study have low population validity? | Only male participants, Australian (40%M 15%F) research supports. |
What is the dispositional explanation for obedience? | The Authoritarian Personality |
Who tested for the authoritarian personality and how did they do it? | Adorno - fascist scale/f-scale |
What characterises the authoritarian personality | Extreme obedience, unquestionable respect & submission, develops in childhood |
What supporting evidence is there for the authoritarian personality/dispositional explanation for obedience? | Milgram & Elms; found those who obeyed scored higher on the f-scale |
Why is the dispositional explanation for obedience limited? | Can't explain a whole country's attitude (Germany); seems unlikely millions of people have same personality type |
Why is the methodology involved in dispositional explanations for obedience flawed? | The f-scale's statements are all phrased in the same direction; participants guessed bias of questions. |
What are the two key ideas involved in resistance to social influence? | Social support & Locus of Control |
What did Asch and Milgram find in their social support research? | Asch found participants dropped in conformity 35% - 5.5% when supported by confederates (line length study) Milgram found when joined by disagreeing confederates obedience dropped from 65% to 10% |
What are the two components of locus of control? | Internals and externals |
What defines internal and external locus' of control? | Internals place control within themselves and are more likely to resist the need to conform, externals place control outside of themselves |
What research support is there for Asch's research intro social resistance? | Allen & Levine - carried out same line experiment with dissenter with poor eyesight; participants were more likely to not comply |
What research support is there for Milgram's research into social resistance? | Gamson et al found much higher resistance and put it down to people being in groups (had to put smear campaign together) 29/33 disobeyed. |
Locus of control research support into social resistance? | Individuals with high LOC more likely to resist pressure to obey & Spector found internal LOC's were less likely to conform. |
What 3 key aspects are required for minority influence? | Consistency, commitment & flexibility |
What is the process of change? | The switch over from majority to minority after deeper processing / thought snowball effect |
What research support is there for minority influence? | Moscovisci et al |