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reproductive health

In English

Created by:
sakhi rathore

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50 questions
Transfer of an ovum collected from a donor into another females fallopian tube who can't produce an ovum but can provide a good enviornment for further development
Progestasert and LNG-20 are
Hormone releasing IUDs
Formation of embryo by directly injecting the sperm
Artificially introduction of semen into the vagina or uterus
Transfer of embryo with more than 8 blastomeres into the uterus
Transfer of zygote or early embryo into a fallopian tube
One of the following is not a method of contraception-which one?
Pills of a combination of oxytocin and vasopressin
Ectopic pregnancies are referred to as
Implantation of embryo at site other than uterus
Artificial insemination mean
Artificial introduction of sperms of a healthy donor into the vagina
Which one of the following statements is correct regarding sexually transmitted diseases?
The chances of a 5 year boy contacting a STD are very little
Consider the statements given below regarding contraception and answer as directed thereafter
-medical termination of pregnancy during first trimester is generally safe -intrauterine devices like copper-T are effective contraceptives
Which of the following can be the complications resulting from STDs without timely detection and treatment?
Pelvic inflammaory disease, still births, infertility or even cancer of reproductive tract and ectopic pregnancies
An IUCD is
Copper T
GIFT technique is used in
Female who can provide normal environment for development
Which of the following set is correct?
Granulosa cells-estrogen corpus luteum-progesterone and estrogen placenta-HCG hormone
Which pair is correct?
Progesterone and estrogen-steroid
Which of the following statements is correct?
-hormone releasing I.U.D. make uterus unsuitable for implantation -IUD are ideal contraceptives for the female who want to delay pregnancy -IUD is the most widely accepted method of contraception in india
Which of the following statements is correct for saheli
-it is a weekly pill -it has high contraceptive value -it has nonsteroidal preparation
Consider the starements given below regarding contraception and answer as directed thereafter
-medical termination of pregnacy during first trimester is generally safe -intauterinene devices like copper T are effective contraceptive
One of the legal method of birth control is (by law)-
Abortion by taking an appropriate medicine
Tubectomy is a method of sterilization in which-
Small part of the fallopian tube is removed or tied up
Our population was approximately-
350 million at the time of our independence
Lippes loop made up of
Polethylene and BaSO4
The function of copper ions in copper releasing IUDs is
The suppress sperm motility and fertilising capacity of sperms
The contraceptive SAHELI
Blocks estrogen receptors in the uterus, preventing eggs from getting implanted