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Section 5 and 10

In English

Created by:
Gianna DeVeau

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SEM Test

Scanning Electron Microscopy

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50 questions
Where and how to temporarily store evidence?
Evidence locker and properly sealed (
SEM Test
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Gun Shot Residue
Forensic Science
The application of scientific principles as they relate to criminal investigations
Transient Evidence
Temporary easily changed or lost; observed by first officer
Pattern Evidence
Produced by direct contact between a person and an object or between two objects
Conditional Evidence
Produced by a specific event or action; important for reconstruction
Transfer Evidence
Produced by contact between person(s) and objects or between two people
Associative Evidence
Something that may link a victim or suspect with a scene or to each other
Physical Location
Where the offense was committed
Documentary Evidence
Writings and official records
National Integrated Ballistics Information Network
Nobody can come in contact with anything without picking up or leaving any evidence behind
Locard's Exchange
Every contact leaves a trace
Testimonial Evidence
Witness accounts of an incident
Physical Evidence
Any tangible material item that is present at a crime scene
What does the criminalistics lab do?
Analyze, identify and interpret evidence
What do firearms examiners do?
Compare bullets & FCC's from crime scenes
What shouldn't examiners do at a scene?
Eat, drink, chew tobacco, smoke, spit or liter
Photos are considered documentation unless...
It is the primary method of recovery
What is considered appropriate packaging?
Using carboard boxes, envelopes, and paper bags
How do you collect sharp objects?
Wrap the sharp edge in paper and place in a box marked with "CAUTION-SHARP OBJECT"
How do we collect money?
We don't; we count the money with detective for documentation and then the detective takes it
How to perform a SEM test?
Start with the thumb, go to the web, then go to the index finger then wrap around to do the inside of the hand. Make sure to get the wrist.
How to establish Chain of Custody?
- Put it in the property receipt - Turn in to EIU
How to properly seal the evidence?
- Secure all opening sides with evidence tape and initial, date, and payroll on the seal.
What goes on the outermost package of evidence?
- Placard info - Description / Quantity - PR # - DC # - OFS # - Control #
Where and how many swabs for a gun?
2 swabs Gun (1), magazine and live rounds (1)
What types of evidence we submit to EIU?
- Biological - Firearms evidence - Processed prints
What do you do if an item of evidence was moved before your arrival?
Note the alleged original location and name of the person who allegedly moved it.
Types of Biological Evidence
Blood Hair Saliva Semen
Types of Firearm Evidence
- Ballistic Evidence - Simulated Weapons - Toolmark Examinations
Types of Latent Print Evidence
- Lift cards - Photos of latent prints
Where and how to temporarily store evidence?
Evidence locker and properly sealed
Types of searches
Ray Link Grid Spiral Zone Line
Line Search
Arranged interval in straight lines, best for large outdoor scenes
Grid Search
Double line search, best for large outdoor scenes
Spiral Search
Move from a critical point outward or outer edge inward, the scene most have not physical barriers
Zone Search
Teams search in small designated areas, most effective indoors
Link Search
Proceed through an area based on evidence association
Importance of Physical Evidence
Proves crime was committed Links suspects, victims and scenes Establish key elements of a crime Free the innocent
Wheel/ Ray Search
Start at critical point and travel outward along many straight lines
Types of Scene Documentation
Photographs Sketches Evidence Log Reports Videos Written Notes
3 stages of Crime Scene Processing
1) Scene Recognition 2) Scene Documentation 3) Evidence Collection