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SOCIOLOGY - Leaderboard
108 questions
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Residential unit consisting of unrelated individuals | Household unit |
Family unit based on two generations | Nuclear family |
A family containing more than the parents and children. | Extended family |
Family relationships based on biology,affinity or law that form distinctive patterns and networks | Kinship |
Involves the breakup of one family and it's reassembly as a new family. | Reconstituted family |
Expression of the range of family types in a society. | Family diversity |
Focused on women. | Matrifocal family |
A situation where an individual may be involved in sequential,sexually exclusive relationships. | Serial monogamy |
Any form of physical or verbal abuse towards family members. | Domestic violence |
The development of industries which encouraged a shift from rural to urban societies. | Industrialisation |
The development and growth of towns and cities. | Urbanisation |
Work done within the home. | Domestic division of labour |
Unequal relationships between males and females. | Gender inequality |
Involving a clear separation between family roles | Segregated conjugal roles |
Male and female roles played within the home. | Conjugal roles |
Involve adults within the family sharing domestic labour | Joint conjugal roles |
Relationship in which family roles are shared equally within the home | Symmetrical family |
The ending of a legal marital relationship | Marital breakdown |
Adult couple and children living together as a family without the adults being legally married | Common law family |
Contemporary form of extended family,family members maintain contact but rarely live in close proximity to one another | Modified extended family |
Female dominated family unit | Matriarchy |
The idea that social institutions such as the family,education and work are closely related | Functional fit |
Tracing ancestral descent through the female/Male line | Matrilineal/patrilineal |
The things that any institution,such as a family, must perform if it is to continue to function successfully | Functional prequisites |
Situation in which functions that we're once performed by an institution are now performed by another institution | Loss of functions |
Teaching and learning process carried out within the family | Primary socialisation |
Structure that is home orientated,child centered and built on emotional relationships between adults and children | Privatised family |
The various purposes the family group exists to perform in society,such as primary socialization | Family functions |
How people treat each other differently based on the value of their particular relationship | Particulartistic values |
Values that apply to everyone | Universalistic values |
Instrumental roles involve dealing with people in an objective way while expressive roles involve dealing with people on the basis of love and affection | Instrumental/expressive roles |
A measure of the no of children born to women of childbearing age in a society each year | Fertility rate |
Relationship between the economically inactive section of a population and those who are economically active | Dependency ratio |
System of social ranking by age | Age stratification |
The examniation of differences anf changes over the course of an individual's lifetime | Life-course analysis |
Behaviour that is culturally,rather than naturally produced | Social construction |
When a couple continue to live together even though the marriage may be effectively over | Empty-shell marriage |
Macro approaches focus on the large scale of whole societies,micro approaches on small-scale social structure | Micro/macro approaches |
The idea that when action occurs another always follows because the latter is caused by the former | Causation |
Approaches that start at the level of the individual,focusing on small-scale phenomena | Interpretivism |
Information and facts that take a numerical form | Quantitative data |
A list of questions used in social surveys | Questionnaires |
The systematic collection of information from a sample | Social surveys |
A theory at the start of a research | Hypothesis |
All those to whom the findings of the study may apply | Survey population |
When the findings about a sample can be said to apply to larger group of people sharing their characteristics | Generalisability |
When each person has an equal chance of being selected | Random sampling |
When the sampling frame is divided by gender or age | Stratified sample |
Dividing how many people with what characterisitics to involve in the research and then identifying them | Quota sampling |
When one respondent puts the researcher in contact with others | Snowball sampling |
Information and facts that cannot be presented in numerical form | Qualitative data |
An interview in which the questions ate standardised and the replies codified to produce quantitative data | Structured interview |
Free form interview method objective is to get respondent to talk about whatever they feel is important about a topic | Unstructured interview |
A respondent is encouraged to talk at length about a particular subject | Semi-Structured interview |
Involve respondents discussing about a topic as a group | Group interview/focus group |
How relationship between researcher and respondent may bias respondent and may lead to invalid data | Interviewer effect |
Experiments taking place in a closed environment where conditions can be precisely controlled and monitored | Laboratory experiment |
Extent to which the characteristics of a sample population accurately reflect those of the target population | Representativeness |
Information collected by a researcher | Primary data |
Already existing data | Secondary data |
Non-numeric data that expresses the quality of a relationship | Qualitative data |