spanish vocab
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126 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇪🇸 |
Sick | Enferma |
Enferma | Sick |
Hears | Oye |
Oye | Hears |
Until | Hasta |
Hasta | Until |
Angry | Enojado |
Enojado | Angry |
Stay | Quedarme |
Quedarme | Stay |
Waiters | Camareros |
Camareros | Waiters |
Mall | Centro commercial |
Newspaper | Periódico |
Periódico | Newspaper |
Birthday | Cumpleaños |
Cumpleaños | Birthday |
Long | Largo |
Largo | Long |
Of course | Por supuesto |
Por supuesto | Of course |
Forget | Olvidar |
Olvidar | Forget |
Brushes | Cepillos |
Cepillos | Brushes |
Driving | Manejando |
Manejando | Driving |
Drawing | Dibujando |
Dibujando | Drawing |
Change | Cambio |
Cambio | Change |
Hungry | Hambre |
Hambre | Hungry |
Not yet | Todavía no |
Todavía no | Not yet |
Tickets | Entradas |
Entradas | Tickets |
To pass/approve | Aprobar |
Aprobar | To pass/approve |
Farm | Granja |
Granja | Farm |
Returns | Vuelve |
Vuelve | Returns |
Early | Temprano |
Temprano | Early |
Boring | Aburrido |
Aburrido | Boring |
Wedding | Boda |
Boda | Wedding |
Glasses | Lentes |
Lentes | Glasses |
Cup | Taza |
Taza | Cup |
Glass | Vaso |
Vaso | Glass |
Computer | Ordenador |
Ordenador | Computer |
Pen | Pluma, bolígrafo |
Notebook | Cuaderno |
Cuaderno | Notebook |
Car | Coche |
Coche | Car |
Teacher | Maestro |
Maestro | Teacher |
Date | Cita |
Cita | Date |
Go out | Salir |
Salir | Go out |
To rain | Llover |
Llover | To rain |
Then | Luego |
Luego | Then |
Laughing | Riéndose |
Riéndose | Laughing |
Funny | Gracioso |
Gracioso | Funny |
To do | Hacer |
Hacer | To do |
Strange | Extraño |
Extraño | Strange |
The dinner | La cena |
La cena | The dinner |
Basketball | Baloncesto |
Baloncesto | Basketball |
Often | A menudo |
A menudo | Often |
To bark | A ladrar |
A ladrar | To bark |
I did | Hice |
Hice | I did |
Trip | Viaje |
Viaje | Trip |
Forest | Bosque |
Bosque | Forest |
Short | Corto |
Corto | Short |
Through the | Por el |
Por el | Through the |