Spanish Oral Exam
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146 questions
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Rug | Alfombra |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Make-up table | Mesa de maquillaje |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Sideboard | Aprador |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Display cabinet | Vitrina |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Ceramic floor | Suelo de ceramica |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Street floor | Suelo de calles |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Stone floor | Suelo de baldosa |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Tile floor | Suelo de azulejos |
Ceiling lamp | Lampara de techo |
Standing lamp | Lampara de pie |
Carpet floor | Suelo de moqueta |
Wooden floor | Suelo de madera |
Pillows | Cojines |
Pots | Masetas |
Rocking chair | Mecedora |
Armchair | Butaca |
Walls | Paredes |
Cutlery | Cuchilleria |
Cup | Taza |
Bowl | Bol |
Bedside table | Mesita |
Armchair | Sillon |
Komoda | Comoda |
Blanket | Manta |
Kitchen island | Isla |
Coffee maker | Cafetera |
Fur | De pelo |
Tablecloth | Mantel |
Glasses | Copas |
Napkins | Servilletas |
Waitress | Camarera |
Carrot | Zanahoria |
Pepper | Pimienta |
Ticket | Billete |
Mannequins | Maniquis |
Apron | Maldil |
Shopping cart | Carrito de la compra |
Kitchen sink | Fregadero |
Pharmacy robe | Bata |
Butter | Mantequilla |
Lemon | Limon |
Pineapple | Pina |
Pan | Sarten |
Dishes | Platos |
Knife | Cuchillo |
Fork | Tenedor |
Spoon | Cuchara |
Popcorn | Palomitas |
The bedroom | El dormitorio |
The bathroom | El cuarto de bano |
The living room | El salon |
The kitchen | La cocina |
Bed | Cama |
Picture | Cuadro |
Desk | Escitorio |
Mirror | Espejo |
Bathtub | Banera |
Toilet | Inodoro |
Mat | Alfombrilla |
Sink | Lavabo |
Shower | Ducha |
Towel | Toalla |
Door | Puerta |
Sofa | Sofa |
Chair | Silla |
Plant | Planta |
Chair | Silla |
Closet | Armario |
Table | Mesa |
Shelving | Estanteria |
Fireplace | Chimenea |
Window | Ventana |
Fridge | Nevera |
Oven | Horno |
Microwave | Microondas |
Washer | Lavadora |
Drawer (kitchen) | Cajon |
Dishwasher | Lavajillas |
Kaitlente | Vitro |
Cabinets | Gabinetes |
Hair | Tiene el pelo |
With bubbles | Con burbujos |
Eyes | Tiene el ojos |
With bubbles | Con burbujos |
Is | Es |
With bubbles | Con burbujos |
Wear | Lleva |
With bubbles | Con burbujos |
Short (body) | Baja |
With bubbles | Con burbujos |
Thin | Delgado |
With bubbles | Con burbujos |
Tall | Alto |