Spanish Verbs
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61 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
To help | Ayudar |
To dance | Bailar |
To look for/search | Buscar |
To sing | Cantar |
To eat dinner | Cenar |
To cook | Cocinar |
To buy | Comprar |
To answer | Contestar |
To take care of | Cuidar |
To rest | Descansar |
To draw | Dibujar |
To enter | Entrar |
To teach | Ensenar (wiggy line on N) |
To listen | Eschuchar |
To wait for | Esperar |
To study | Estudiar |
To explain | Explicar |
To talk | Hablar |
To arrive | Llegar |
To wear | Llevar |
To send | Mandar |
To watch / look at | Mirar |
To swim | Nadar |
To need | Necesitar |
To happen | Pasar |
To go for a walk/stroll | Pasear |
To skate | Patinar |
To paint | Pintar |
To prepare | Preparar |
Relax | Relajar |
To end / finish | Terminar |
To play | Tocar |
To take | Tomar |
To work | Trabajar |
To use | Usar |
To travel | Viajar |
To visit | Visitar |
To learn | Aprender |
To drink | Beber |
To eat | Comer |
To understand | Comprender |
To run | Correr |
To read | Leer |
To respond / to answer | Responder |
To sell | Vender |
To see | Ver |
To open | Abir |
To share | Compartir |
To write | Escribir |
To receive | Recibir |
To live | Vivir |
To sleep | Dormir |
To play | Jugar |
To go out | Salir |
To like / to be pleasing | Gustar |
To do / to make | Hacer |
To have | Tener |
To have to | Tener Que |