Spanish Vocab builder
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362 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇪🇸 |
Turkey | Pavo |
Pavo | Turkey |
Mushroom | Seta |
Seta | Mushroom |
They | Ellas |
Ellas | They |
Soap | Jabón |
Jabón | Soap |
Socks | Calcetines |
Calcetines | Socks |
Door | Puerta |
Puerta | Door |
Window | Ventana |
Ventana | Window |
Never | Nunca |
Nunca | Never |
Sometimes | A veces |
A veces | Sometimes |
Now | Ahora |
Ahora | Now |
Always | Siempre |
Siempre | Always |
Those (distant) | Aquellos |
Aquellos | Those (distant) |
Behind | Detras de |
Detras de | Behind |
Father | Padre |
Padre | Father |
Mother | Madre |
Madre | Mother |
Son | Hijo |
Hijo | Son |
Sons | Hijos |
Hijos | Sons |
Children | Hijos |
Hijos | Children |
Daughter | Hija |
Hija | Daughter |
Daughters | Hijas |
Hijas | Daughters |
Brother | Hermano |
Hermano | Brother |
Sister | Hermana |
Hermana | Sister |
Stepsister | Hermanastra |
Hermanastra | Stepsister |
Stepbrother | Hermanastro |
Hermanastro | Stepbrother |
Stepfather | Padrastro |
Padrastro | Stepfather |
Stepmother | Madrastra |
Madrastra | Stepmother |
Son-in-law | Yerno |
Yerno | Son-in-law |
Daughter-in-law | Cuñada |
Cuñada | Daughter-in-law |
Cousin | Primo |
Primo | Cousin |
Cousin | Prima |
Prima | Cousin |
Godfather | Padrino |
Padrino | Godfather |
Godmother | Madrina |
Madrina | Godmother |
Uncle | Tío |
Tío | Uncle |
Aunt | Tía |
Tía | Aunt |
Boyfriend | Novio |
Novio | Boyfriend |
Girlfriend | Novia |
Novia | Girlfriend |
Nephew | Sobrino |
Sobrino | Nephew |
Niece | Sobrina |
Sobrina | Niece |
Grandfather | Abuelo |
Abuelo | Grandfather |
Grandmother | Abuela |
Abuela | Grandmother |
Grandson | Nieto |
Nieto | Grandson |
Grandchildren | Nietos |
Nietos | Grandchildren |
Granddaughter | Nieta |
Nieta | Granddaughter |
Father-in-law | Suegro |
Suegro | Father-in-law |
Mother-in-law | Suegra |
Suegra | Mother-in-law |
In-laws | Suegros |
Suegros | In-laws |
El | The (male) |
La | The (female) |
Los | The (male, plural) |
Las | The (female, plural) |