Systems 1b Practical Anatomy- Body Functions
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Systems 1b Practical Anatomy- Body Functions - Leaderboard
Systems 1b Practical Anatomy- Body Functions - Details
40 questions
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Non-fleshy fibrous, dense regular connective tissue | Structure of tendon |
Connected to the radius and humerous | Brochioradialis muscle |
Extends the elbow, weak extension of shoulder | Function of triceps |
A muscle that helps the same set of joint muscles as the agonist | Synergist muscle |
Help to stabilise the joint during flexion, extension and abduction | Rotator cuff muscles function |
Wasting of muscle | Muscle atrophy |
View picture | Structure of muscle compartments |
Connects a bone to an adjacent bone/s to stabilise a joint | Ligament definition |
Network of nerves that innervates all upper limb structures, originates from C5- T1 | What is the brachial plexus |
Innervates leg and thigh muscles and originates from spinal nerve roots L1-S4 | What is the lumbosacral plexus |
View picture | Name all of the abdominal muscles |
Prosterior forarm, has tendons which extend the digits | Extensor digitorum |
Attaches to the sternum, clavicle and mastiod process | Sternocleidomastiod |
Very striated, nucleus on peripheral | Skeletal muscle structure |
Branching, round nuclei | Cardiac muscle |
Long flat nuclei, lack of structure/striation | Smooth muscle |
Motor neuron and the skeletal muscle it innovates | What is a motor unit |
Damaged nerves in the posterior forearm muscle | What damaged muscle causes wrist drop |
Damaged nerves in the anterior leg muscle | What causes foot drop |
View picture | Name the different parts of the somatic nerve arc and if they are sensory/motor/mixed |
Ventral and dorsal rami | What do the mixed spinal nerves divide into? |
The erector spinae muscle and the skin covering it | What do the dorsal rami supply? |
The intercostal muscles, oblique muscles, rectus abdominis and the skin overlying it (T7-12 supply the abdominal muscles) | What do the ventral rami supply? |
They lie below the rib of the same number i.e intercostal nerve 7 lies in the space below rib 7 | Where do the intercostal nerves lie? |
Caries a mix on nerve fibres from different vertebral levels to the skin | What is a cutaneous nerve |
Area of skin supplied by nerves from only on vertebral level | What is a dermatome |
View picture | The dermatomes of the arm and neck |
Sternomanubrial joint | What occurs in the midline of the trunk at dermatome T2? |
Nipple | What surface features of the body are found at dermatome T4? |
Umbilicus | What surface features of the body marks the dermatome T10? |
Groin | In what region of the body is the dermatome of L1 found? |
Endoneurium, perineurium, fasciculus, axon, epineurium | What is the structure of a nerve |
A fatty white substance that surrounds the axon of some nerve cells forming an electrically insulating layer | What is myelin? |
Secretes myelin and is wrapped around the axon | What is a schwann cell |
Endoneurium | What surrounds individual axons? |
Perineurium | What surrounds nerve fasicles? |
Epineurium | What surrounds a nerve? |