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UIL Lit History

In English

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Old English (428-1100)

Figures: Beowulf Works: Caedmon's "Song," Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy

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Old English (428-1100)
Figures: Beowulf Works: Caedmon's "Song," Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy
Anglo-Norman (110-1350)
Works: Poema Morale, King Horn, The Play of St. Catherine, Cursor Mundi, The Pickle of Conscience Historical Events: 12 Magna Carta, Feudalism
Middle English (1350-1500)
Figures: Wycliffe, Malory, Chaucer History: Plague, Peasant Revolt
Renaissance (1500-1660)
Figures: Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Milton History: Printing, English rise as world power
Neoclassic (1660-1798)
Figures: Dryden (prose), Milton, Bunyan, Pope, Gray, Burns, Johnson Works: Paradise Lost, Pilgrim's Progress
Romantic (1798-1870)
Figures: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley (Frankenstein Shelley and port Shelley), Keats, Scott, Jane Austen, Lamb History: Celtic Renaissance/Revival, Napoleonic Wars, Industrial Revolution
Realistic (1870-1914 [WW1])
Figures: Tennyson, Browning, Swinburne, Hardy, Rupert Kipling, William Yeats, Ibsen, Gilbert & Sullivan, Arnold, Huxley, Pater, Spencer, Stevenson, George Eliot, Hardy, Wells, History: British Imperialism, Scientific Revolution
Modern/Modernist (1914-1965 [WW 2])
Figures: Galsworthy, Wells, Forster, Conrad, Maugham, Woolf, Joyce, Lawrence, Mansfield, Shaw, Coward, Yeats, Eliot, Auden, Hopkins, Thomas Works: Ulysses
Post-Modernist/Contemporary (1965-present)
Figures: Greene, Kingsley, Lessing, Fowles, Larkin, Pinter, Stoppard
Early Tudor Age (1500-1557) [Renaissance]
Figures: Wyatt & Surrey. Elyot & More Works: Tottel's Miscellany
Elizabethan Age (1558-1603) [Renaissance]
Figures: Sidney, Spencer, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Donne, Jonson
Jacobean Age (1603-1625) [Renaissance]
Figures: Shakespeare, Johnson, Donne History: King James Translation of the Bible
Commonwealth (1649-1660) [Renaissance]
Figures: Davenant, Hobbes, Milton, Vaughan, Cowley, Marvell Works: The Siege of Rhodes, Leviathan
Restoration Age (1660-1700) [Neoclassical]
Figures: Dryden, Milton, Locke, Pepys
Augustan Age (1750-1798) [Neoclassical]
Figures: Samuel Johnson, Burns, Gray, Copper, Crab Works: Johnson Biography (Boswell), The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
Age of the Romantic Movement (1798-1832) [Romantic]
Figures: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, the Shelleys, Keats
Early Victorian Age (1832-1870) [Romantic]
Figures: Wordsworth, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Swinburne, Dickens, Thackeray, Brontes, Trollope, Carlyle, Newman, Ruskin
Late Victorian Age (1870-1901) [Realistic]
Figures: Eliot, Hardy, Huxley, Spencer, Newman, Stevenson, Kipling
Edwardian Age (1901-1914) [Realistic}
Figures: Yeats, Shaw, Galsworthy, Kipling, Hardy, Bennett, Joyce, Conrad
Diminishing Age in English Literature (1940-1965) [Modern]
Figures: Beckett, Orwell, Cary, Greene, Auden, Thomas, Eliot
Colonial Period (1607-1765)
Figures: Edward Taylor, Jonathan Edwards, Ben Franklin, Wigglesworth, Bradstreet, Byrd
Revolutionary & Early National Period/Age of Reason (1765-1830)
Figures: Bryant, Poe, Brown, Cooper, Irving
Romantic Period (1830-1865)
Figures: Bryant, Whitman, Whittier, Poe, Longfellow, Dickinson, Irving, Cooper, Hawthorne, Stowe, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau, Holmes
Realistic Period (1865-1900)
Figures: Whitman, Lanier, Dickinson, Crane, Robinson, Twain, Howells, James
Naturalistic and Symbolistic Period (1900-1930)
Figures: James, Dreiser, London (Natural) Frost, Pound, Eliot, Stevens, Williams, Cather, Wharton, O'Neil (Symbolistic)
Period of Conformity and Criticism (1930-1960)
Figures: Hemingway, Wolfe, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Miller, Ellison, Robinson, Millay, Sandburg, Frost, Eliot, Wilder, O'Neil, Miller, Williams
Period of Confessional Self (1960-1989)
Figures: Sexton, Plath, Roethke, Lowell, Styron, Bellow, Updike, Mailer, Albee, Williams
Revolutionary Age (1765- 1790)
Figures: Paine, Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison Works: The Prince of Parthia, The Power of Sympathy, Federalist Papers
Federalist Age (1790-1830)
Figures: Bryant, Cooper, Irving