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Forum: General Questions
Maximum 200 limit

Alistair Lawrie
Alistair Lawrie
New Entrant

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hi, I'm confused with regard to the 200 question limit. In other spaced repetition systems I can have all my vocabulary in one list that I can work through, but in Memory I have to split it up into multiple chapters and then I have to revise multiple chapters? As I'm doing Japanese and am trying to learn vocabulary as well as kanji and grammar etc I can see myself having a large amount of chapters, all of which I have to access independently as flash cards to study, whereas I'd prefer them all to be in one system so I can work on them all at once. Is there a way of amalgamating the answers from multiple chapters so you're tested on everything at once? Thanks.


1 comment

Alistair Lawrie
Alistair Lawrie
New Entrant

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Answered my own question. When I'm selecting practice the practice function will take all due elements due for practice from across all chapters and levels and amalgamate them into one practice system.
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