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forms of government which all citizens participate indirect democracy definition
voters elect politicians to make desicions in governmentrepresentative democracy
a political system governed by a few powerful peopleoligarchy
league of greek city-states formed for mutual protectiondelian league
highest mountain in Greece, assumed to be home of greek godsmount olympus
land power to the east that invaded greecepersia
mountainious peninsula in the medditeranean seagreece
culture made up of parts of greek, persian, egyptian, and indian styles and customshellenistic
large body of water, south of greecemediterranean sea
land north of greece, kingdom of atgmacedonia
political unit made up of a city and its surrounding landscity-state
enslaved people of spartahelots
300 spartans vs persiabattle of thermopylae
to send someone away from the city-state for 10 yearsostracism
made transportation and trade difficultwhat were the effects of mountains on life in ancient greece
free landowning adult maleswho could be citizens of greek city states
it connected different parts of greece and encouraged trade and transportationhow did the sea impact the economy of ancient greece
the agora was the center of city lifehow was the agora important to the greeks
boys went to school and prepared for military and recieved education and girls stayed home to learn to work as mothersdifference in greek boy and girl
alexander the greatwho was the general from macedonia who united greek city-states and conquered persian empire
athens- direct democracy and boys recieved education and girls stayed home sparta- part monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy; all kids went to school to be pysically strongmajor cultural differences between athens and sparta
weakened by persian wars then then ATG completely took overwhat caused persian empire to fall
athens and spartawhat two city-states fought in the peloponnesian wars
introduced democracy, philosophy, alphabet and olympicshow did ancient greeks infulence the modern world
greece because thats where the olypics originatedwhich country has the honor of walking into the olympic stadium and why