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level: Abbreviations

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Abbreviations

LTClong term care
ADLsactivities of daily living
OToccupational therapist
MSWmedical social worker
OBRAomnibus budget reconciliation act
PHIprotected health information
MDSminimum data set
SDSsafety data sheets
HAIhealthcare associated infection
ROMrange of motion exercises
BPblood pressure
HRheart rate
PWBpartial weight bearing
NWBnon weight bearing
FWBfull weight bearing
PROMpassive range of motion
AROMactive range of motion
AAROMactive assisted range of motion
CVScardiovascular system
CADcoronary artery disease
MI (i not L)myocardial infarction
CHFcongestive heart failure
PVDperipheral vascular disease
NG [tube]nasogastric
CNScentral nervous system
MSmultiple sclerosis
CVAcerebrovascular accident
NPOnil per os
poby mouth
qdonce per day
bid/b.i.d.twice per day
tid/t.i.d.three times per day
qid/q.i.d.four times per day
VS or V/Svital signs
c/ocomplains of
s/pstatus post
I&O (i&o)intake and output
DNRdo not resuscitate
PRNper need