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level: Other Random Questions

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level questions: Other Random Questions

Name one link in the chain of infectioncausative agent
What is the first step in a fire-related emergency?remove anyone in danger
Which term means removing all microorganisms from a surface?sterilization
Which term means removing as many pathogens as possible from a surface?disinfection
List one normal change to the integumentary system/skin when aging. Skin becomes...thinner
List one part of the integumentary system besides the top layer of epidermishair
A resident has a burn which is red, warm to the touch, and a blister has formed. What stage burn is this?Stage 2
A resident has a pressure sore. The wound looks like a dimple and there is yellow subcutaneous tissue visible, but no white bone. What stage is this?Stage 3
List one of the resident rights as outlined by OBRA. (the right to visits, rights with regards to social service, and informed consent are not answers because it wouldn't let me add that many lol sorry)quality of life
Are objective observations considered signs or symptoms?signs
You are handing a visually impaired resident a plate. They ask where their carrots are located. From your position, standing directly facing the resident, the carrots are on the lefthand side, further away from your body (the upper lefthand quadrant in relation to you). At what time on the metaphoric clock will you tell the resident they are located?5
In a blood pressure reading of 125/80, which number represents the diastolic phase?80
What is one dietary nutrient that will be restricted in a resident with angina or who has survived a heart attack (MI)? (Also known as a Cardiac Diet)sodium
What are the two phases of respiration?inspiration and expiration
Is a blood pressure of 138/91 within normal range?no
Is an oral temperature of 99.1 within normal range?yes
How long should you wait to take an oral temperature after a resident eats?10-20 minutes
In what position must residents be while eating?high fowler's
After a meal, you are measuring intake. The resident was given the standard 8oz and 4oz glasses. There are 2oz left in the larger glass and 3oz left in the smaller glass. How many milliliters/cc do you write on your I&O sheet? (combine both numbers)210 ml
By what number do you multiply ounces to find out how many milliliters/cc there are of a fluid?30
Which type of catheter is removed immediately after bladder elimination? "____ catheter"straight