level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
Question | Answer |
carbohydrates | los carbohidratos |
grains | los cereales |
cholesterol | el colesterol |
junk food | la comida chatarra |
diet | la dieta |
fiber | la fibra |
fat | la grasa |
flour | las harinas |
dairy | los lácteos |
legumes | las legumbres |
seafood | los mariscos |
tea popular in Argentina | el mate |
light snack or meal | la merienda |
minerals | los minerales |
portion | la porción |
proteins | las proteínas |
sodium | el sodio |
vitamins | las vitaminas |
bag | la bolsa |
bottle | la botella |
jar | el frasco |
gram | el gramo |
kilo | el kilo |
can | la lata |
pound | la libra |
liter | el litro |
packet, box | el paquete |
frozen | congelado |
skimmed | descremado |
sweet | dulce |
bottled | embotellado |
lean | magro |
spicy | picante |
salty | salado |
healthy (food, activity) | saludable |
vegetarian | vegetariano |
to lose weight | adelgazar |
to grill | asar |
to increase | aumentar |
to consume | consumir |
to enjoy | disfrutar |
to eliminate | eliminar |
to gain weight | engordar |
to avoid | evitar |
to fry | freír |
to bake | hornear |
to limit | limitar |
to put oneself on a diet | ponerse a dieta |
to do without | prescindir |
to taste | probar (ue) |
to reduce | reducir |