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level: ROOTS: A-I

Questions and Answers List

level questions: ROOTS: A-I

Greek hero vulnerable only in heelAchilleus
brother (Philadelphia)adelphos
gland (adenoid)aden/adenos
air (aerodynamics)aer
leading (pedagogue)agogos
to leadagein
contest (agonize, antagonist)agon
assembly (category, agoraphobia)agora
hunting, catching, seizure (podagra)agra
feeling, sensation, perception (aesthetics, anesthesia)aisthesis
upper air (ether)aither
cause (etiology)aitia
point (acme)ake, akme
topmost (acropolis)akros/a/on
cure (panacea)akos
to hear (acoustic)akouein
ray (actinide)aktis/aktinos
to defend (Alexander)alexein
algein = to suffer (analgesic), algos = pain (neuralgia)algein, algos
other (allergy, allotrope)allos/e/on
blunt, dull (amblyacousia)amblys/eia/y
fetus membrane (amniocentesis)amnion
change (amoeba)amoibe
almond (amygdaloid)amygdale
wind (anemometer)anemos
male (androgynous)aner/andros
vessel (angioplasty)angeion
anthein = to blossom, anthos = flower (anther, chrysanthemum)anthein, anthos
human being (anthropology, philanthropy)anthropos
cave (antrum)antron
Venus (aphrodisiac, hermaphrodite)Aphrodite
spider (arachnid)arachne
beginning (archetype, menarche)arche
ancient (archaeology)archaios/a/on
silver (hydrargyrum = Hg)argyros
number (arithmetic)arithmos
windpipe (arteriosclerosis)arteria
joint (arthritis)arthron
star (asterisk, astronomy)aster & astron
panting (asthma)asthma/asthmatos
porridge, gruel (atheroma)athere
a TitanAtlas/Atlantos
steam (atmosphere)atmos
self (autism, autograph)autos
to walk, to go (diabetes)bainein
a step (base)basis
a stick (bacteria)baktron
to throw (ballistics)ballein
a throw (parabola, hyperbola, metabolism)bole, bolos
baros = weight, barys = heavy (barometer, isobar, barium)baros, barys
bathos = depth, bathys = deep (bathysphere)bathos, bathys
biblios & byblos = papyrus, biblion = book (Bible, bibliography)biblos & byblos, biblion
life (biology, symbiotic)bios
a shoot, bud (blastoma)blastos
to see (ablepsia)blepein
eyelid (blepharitis)blepharon
pressure (botony)botane
ox (bulimia)bous
brachys = short, brachion = shorter, brachium = upper arm (brachial)brachys, brachion, brachium
slow (bradycardia)bradys
stench (bromine)bromos
windpipe (bronchitis)bronchos
to swell (embryo)bryein
hair (spirochaete)chaite
copper (chalcolithic)chalkos
on the ground (chameleon)chamai
sharpen (characteristic)charassein
to yawnchaskein
opening (chasm)chasma
1st state of the universechaos
lip (cheilitis)cheilos
hand (chiropractor)cheir
claw (chelate)chele
crossing, decussation (chiasmus)chiasma
coat, cloak (chlamydia)chlamys, chlamydos
green (chlorine, chlorophyll)chloros/a/on
bile (melancholia)chole
lump, then cartilage (hypochondrium)chondros
gut (chorditis)chorde
dance (chorea)choros
skin, colour of skinchroa
colour (chromium, chromosome)chroma, chromatos
time (chronic, chronology)chronos
gold (chryselephantine)chrysos
earth (chthonic, autochthonous)chthon
to pourcheein
juice — chy/ma = fluid (chyle, chyme)chylos
divine power (demon)daimon
tear (dacryoadenalgia)dakryon
finger or toe (dactylic)daktylos
to tie (desmo-, -detic)deein
people (demography, endemic)demos
tree (dendrite, dendrochronology)dendron
to skin or flayderein
skin (dermatitis)derma/dermatos
way of life (diet)diatia
twin, in astronomy & biologydidymos
web (www)diktyon
thirst (dipsomania)dipsa
long (dolichocephalic)dolichos
dounai = to give, dosis = giving, dotos = given (dose, antidote)dounai, dosis, dotos
running, course (syndrome)dromos
power (thermodynamic, dynamite)dynamis
ringing sound, echo (echocardiography)echo
echein = to have, ischein = hold back (ischemia, galactischia)echein, ischein
appearance, form, shape (ideal)eidos, idea
image (iconoclast)eikon
elaia = olive tree, elaion = olive oilelaia, elaion
amber (electron, e-mail)elektron
elephant (chryselephantine)elephas/elephantos
to vomit — emesis/emetos = vomiting (emetic)emeein
within intestine (dysentery)enteron
down (eosinophil)eos
work (allergy, synergy, argon)ergon
sexual love (erotic)eros
red — erythema = redness (erythrocyte)erythros/a/on
nation (ethnography)ethnos
custom (ethics)ethos
broad (aneurism)eurys
milk (galactischia)gala/galaktos
marriage (exogamy, polygamous)gamos
encysted tumor on tendon = knots of nervesganglion
belly (gastroenteritis)gaster
earthy (geography)ge
to be born, rootsgignesthai
kin or race (genesis, hydrogene, carcinogen, genocide)gen-, gene-, gon-, gn-, genos, genea
old person (geriatrics)geron
bluish green/gray describing Athena's eyes (glaucoma)glaukos/e/on
glue (neuroglia)glia
tongue (glossary, polyglot)glossa/glotta
sweet (hyperglycemia, glycerin, glucose)glykys, glykera/os/on
to engrave (hieroglyphics)glyphein
gignoskein = to learn, gnonai = to know (gnostic), gnosis = knowledge (prognosis, diagnosis, gnostic)gignoskein, gnonai, gnosis
interpreter, pointer (gnomon)gnomon
offspring, generation, seed (gonad, gonorrhea)gone
corner or angle (polygon, pentagon)gonia
knee (gonitis)gony/gonatos
to inscribe, write (graph)graphein
something written or drawn (gram, grammatical)gramma/grammatos
naked (gymnasium, gymnast)gymnos/e/on
woman (gynecology, androgynous)gyne/gynaikos
circle (gyrate, gyroscope)gyros
blood (anemia, hematoma, hyperglycemia, ischemia, hematology)haima/haimatos
to take (dieresis, catheresis)hairein
salt (halogen, haloid)hals/halos
haptein = to fasten, hapsis = joining (synapsis)haptein, hapsis
time of youth or puberty, ephebe = youthhebe
seat, base, side (polyhedron, tetrahedron, cathedral)hedra
pleasure (hedonism)hedone
sun (helium, heliocentric)helios
coil (helix, helicopter)helix/helikos
worm (helminthiasis)helmins/helminthos
day (ephemeral)hemera
to let go, to send (enema, catheter)henai/hienai
liver (hepatitis)hepar/hepatos
to creep (herpes)herpein
different (heterogeneous, heterosexual)heteros/a/on
sacred (hieroglyphics)hieron
horse (hippopotamus)hippos
mast, beam, then web & tissue (histology)histos
way or road (exodus, period, odometer)hodos
all (whole, holograph, holistic, holocaust)holos
even (anomaly)homalos
like or equal (homosexual, homogenize)homos/homoios
to set in motion (hormone, hormogenic)hormaein/hormon
water (hydrogen, hydrodynamics, dehydrate)hydor/hydatos
wet (hygrometer)hygros
health (hygeine)hygieia
thick skin, membrane (hymen)hymen
sleep (hypnotize)hypnos
womb (hysterectomy)hystera
iaesthai = to heal, iater = physician (geriatrics, pediatrics, psychiatry)iaesthai, iater/ia/tros
fish (ichthyology)ichthys
one's own, private, peculiar (idiot, idiosyncracy)idios/a/on
internal messenger of the Gods, rainbow (iris, iridescence)Iris/Iridos
hip (ischium)ischion
sinew or fiber (inositis, inosemia)is/inos
equal (isometric, isobar, isosceles)ison/e/os