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level: Skeletal Anatomy

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Skeletal Anatomy

What is highlightedAcetabulum
What is highlightedAcromial end of clavicle
What is highlightedAcromion process
What is highlightedAla of sacrum
What is highlightedNeck of humerus
What is highlightedAnterior arch of atlas (C1)
What is highlightedApex of patella
What is highlightedArticular facet of patella
What is highlightedAtlas (C1)
What is highlightedAlveolar process of maxilla
What is highlightedAxis (C2)
What is highlightedBody of axis (C2)
What is highlightedBody of cervical vertebrae
What is highlightedBody of hyoid bone
What is highlightedBody of lumbar vertebrae
What is highlightedBody of mandible
What is highlightedBody of sternum
What is highlightedBody of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedCalcaneus
What is highlightedCapitate
What is highlightedCapitulum
What is highlightedCarpal bones
What is highlightedCervical region of vertebrae
What is highlightedCervical vertebrae
What is highlightedClavicle
What is highlightedCoccyx
What is highlightedCoracoid process of scapula
What is highlightedCoronal suture
What is highlightedCoronoid fossa of humerus
What is highlightedCoronoid process of mandible
What is highlightedCoronoid process of ulna
What is highlightedCoxal bone
What is highlightedCuboid
What is highlightedDeltoid tuberosity of humerus
What is highlightedDens (Odontoid process) of Axis (C2)
What is highlightedDistal phalanx of fingers
What is highlightedDistal phalanx of toes
What is highlightedExternal occipital protuberance
What is highlightedFalse ribs
What is highlightedFemur
What is highlightedFibula
What is highlightedFirst rib
What is highlightedFloating ribs
What is highlightedForamen magnum
What is highlightedFrontal bone
What is highlightedGlabella of frontal bone
What is highlightedGlenoid cavity of scapula
What is highlightedGreater cornu of hyoid bone
What is highlightedGreater trochanter of femur
What is highlightedHamate (carpal)
What is highlightedHead of femur
What is highlightedHead of fibula
What is highlightedHead of humerus
What is highlightedHead of radius
What is highlightedHorizontal plate of Palatine bone
What is highlightedHumerus
What is highlightedHyoid
What is highlightedIlium
What is highlightedInferior costal facet of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedIntermediate cuneiform (tarsal)
What is highlightedIschial tuberosity
What is highlightedIschium
What is highlightedLamboid suture
What is highlightedLateral condyle of femur
What is highlightedLateral condyle of tibia
What is highlightedLateral cuneiform (tarsal)
What is highlightedLateral epicondyle of humerus
What is highlightedLateral malleolus
What is highlightedlesser cornu of hyoid
What is highlightedLesser trochanter
What is highlightedLumbar region of vertebral column
What is highlightedLumbar vertebrae
What is highlightedLunate (carpal)
What is highlightedMandible
What is highlightedMandibular condyle
What is highlightedMandibular fossa
What is highlightedManubrium
What is highlightedMaxilla
What is highlightedMedial condyle of femur
What is highlightedMedial condyle of tibia
What is highlightedMedial cuneiform (tarsal)
What is highlightedMedial epicondyle of humerus
What is highlightedMedial malleolus
What is highlightedMental foramen of mandible
What is highlightedMetacarpals (#1-5 thumb to pinky)
What is highlightedMetatarsals (#1-5 big toe to pinky)
What is highlightedMiddle phalanx of fingers
What is highlightedMiddle phalanx of toes
What is highlightedNasal bone
What is highlightedNavicular (tarsal)
What is highlightedNeck of femur
What is highlightedObturator foramen
What is highlightedOccipital
What is highlightedOccipital condyle
What is highlightedOlecranon fossa of humerus
What is highlightedOlecranon process of ulna
What is highlightedPalatine bone
What is highlightedPalatine process of maxilla
What is highlightedParietal bone
What is highlightedPatella
What is highlightedPisiform (carpal)
What is highlightedPosterior arch of atlas (C1)
What is highlightedPromontory of sacrum
What is highlightedPubis
What is highlightedRadial tuberosity
What is highlightedRadius
What is highlightedRamus of mandible
What is highlightedSagittal suture
What is highlightedSacrum
What is highlightedScaphoid (carpal)
What is highlightedScapula
What is highlightedSpinous process of Axis (C2)
What is highlightedSpinous process of cervical vertebrae
What is highlightedSpinous process of lumbar vertebrae
What is highlightedSpinous process of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedSquamous portion of temporal bone
What is highlightedSquamous suture
What is highlightedSternal end of clavicle
What is highlightedSternum
What is highlightedStyloid process of radius
What is highlightedStyloid process of temporal bone
What is highlightedStyloid process of ulna
What is highlightedSuperior articular facet of atlas (C1)
What is highlightedSuperior articular facet of axis (C2)
What is highlightedSuperior articular facet of cervical vertebrae
What is highlightedSuperior articular facet of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedSuperior costal facet of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedSupraorbital foramen of frontal bone
What is highlightedSupraorbital margin of frontal bone
What is highlightedSurgical neck of humerus
What is highlightedTalus (tarsal)
What is highlightedTarsals
What is highlightedTemporal bone
What is highlightedTemporal process of zygomatic bone
What is highlightedThoracic region of vertebral column
What is highlightedThoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedTibia
What is highlightedTibial tuberosity
What is highlightedTransverse foramen of atlas (C1)
What is highlightedTransverse foramen of axis (C2)
What is highlightedTransverse process of atlas (C1)
What is highlightedTransverse process of axis (C2)
What is highlightedTransverse process of cervical vertebrae
What is highlightedTransverse process of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedTransverse process of lumbar vertebrae
What is highlightedTrapezium (carpal)
What is highlightedTrapezoid (carpal)
What is highlightedTriquetrum (carpal)
What is highlightedTrochlea of humerus
What is highlightedTrochlear notch of ulna
What is highlightedTrue ribs
What is highlightedUlna
What is highlightedVertebral column
What is highlightedVertebral foramen of atlas (C1)
What is highlightedVertebral foramen of axis (C2)
What is highlightedVertebral foramen of cervical vertebrae
What is highlightedVertebral foramen of lumbar vertebrae
What is highlightedVertebral foramen of thoracic vertebrae
What is highlightedXiphoid process
What is highlightedZygomatic bone
What is highlightedZygomatic process of temporal bone