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What are the proposals under the Wavell Plan?Main proposals: 1. Granting of dominion status in the long run. 2. Allowing the Indians to draft their own constitution.
What are the main points of the Mountbatten Plan?1. Partition of India into two dominions 2. Relations between the two dominions: The dominions were to decide what relations they would have with the British Commonwealth and with eachother. 3. Boundary Commission: to decide boundaries for the two new dominions. 4. Princely States: All treaties with Princely states would lapse and they were free to associate with any of the two dominions or remain independent. 5. Sindh: They were to decide by a special meeting. 6. Bengal and Punjab: Their legislative assemblies were to decide partition. 7. North West Frontier Province (NWFP): They were to decide by a plebiscite whether they wanted to join India or Pakistan. 8. District of Sylhet: They would decide by referendum, whether they wanted to remain in Assam or join East Bengal. 9. Constituent Assembly: They would go on to work and draft out the Constitution, but this would not apply to Pakistan. 10. Transfer of power: It was decided that the transfer of power would not be in June 1948, but before 15th August, 1947.
Why did the Congress accept the Mountbatten Plan?(i) Large-scale communal riots were raging all over India and the only solution lay in partition (ii) The Muslim League had joined the Interim Government only to obstruct. The Congress knew that working with them as a joint administration would be impossible. (iii) National leaders felt that further delay could land India in a Civil War. (iv) A small federation with a strong centre was preferred over a large federation with a weak centre. (v) Partition was the price paid for immediate independence. The British were instigating rulers to remain independent. (vi) National leaders felt that partition would rid the constitution of seperate electorates and other undemocratic procedures.
When was the Indian Independence Bill passed as an Act in the House of Commons?July 1st, 1947.
What are the clauses of the Indian Independence Act, 1947?1. Two new dominions 2. Provisions of Partition 3. Constituent Assemblies to act as Central Legislatures 4. Governor-General for both the dominions 5. End of the jurisdiction of the British Parliament. 6. Division of Assets and Army 7. Getting the Act into operation 8. Office of secretary and the interests of the existing officials 9. Princely States 10. Treaties and Agreements
What titles were dropped from royal style after the India Independence Act, 1947?'Emperor of India' and 'King of England'.
Right to veto laws. Who had it and who was it given to?Had it: The King of England. Given to: The governor-general
When was the new Governor-General of India appointed?Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari was in office from June 1948, till January 26, 1947.