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level: Level 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 3

contrast contrast contrastiveto contrast, to compare to show difference , to be very different an contrast, an obvious difference contrastive, showing the differences
weary weary wearying wearily wearinessweary, very tired(esp. after hard work) to weary, to make feel tired wearying wearily a weariness
dareto dare, to be brave (enough to do sth) , to ask (smo to do sth risky)
sigh sighto sigh, to breath out slowly and noisily (expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure etc.) a sigh, a slow, noisey breath
analogyan analogy, a comparison ( for the purpose of explanation)
fright frighten frightened frightening frighteninglythe fright, the feeling of fear (esp. if felt suddenly) to frighten, to make smo feel fear frightened, feeling fear or worry frightening, making you feel fear frighteningly
teaseto tease, to laugh at smo or say unkind things about them; either because you are joking or want to upset them a tease
attribute attributablean attribute, a quality or characteristic to attribute, to result of attributable,
appeal appeal appealingan appeal, a quality that makes it attractive or interesting an appeal, a request for money,information,help (to public ) appealing, attractive or interesting
medium mediummedium, average the medium, the method or way of express
graspto grasp, to take sth quickly in your hand and hold it firmly to grasp, to understand sth (esp. sth difficult)
deafdeaf, unable to hear (either completely or partly) unwilling to listen
pioneera pioneer, a person who is one of the first people to do sth
despitedespite, without being influenced or prevented by
interfere interferenceto interfere, to involve yourself in a situation where your involvement is not wanted or helpful an interference, an occasion when smo tries to interfere in a situation
valid validatevalid, based on truth or reason , officially acceptable validate, to prove (that sth is correct) to make sth officially acceptable or approved (esp. after examining it
interpret interpretable interpretationto interpret, to decide what the intended meaning of sth is , to translate what smo is saiyng into another language interpretable, an interpretation, an explanation or opinion of sth means
illiterate illiteracyilliterate, unable to read and write x literate illiteracy
function functionala function, a natural purpose or duty of s/s functional, designed to practical and useful rather than attractive
integrate integrated integrationto integrate, to mix with and join (a society or group of people, often changing their way of life,habit,customs to suit) integrated an integration
loom loomingto loom, to appear as a large,often frightening or unclear shape or object
fluency fluent fluentlythe fluency, the ability to speak or write a language easily,well,quickly fluent, When a person is fluent, they can speak a language easily,well,quickly fluently,
tip tipto tip, to move so that one side is higher than other side , to pour a substance from one container into another a tip, a useful piece of information (esp. about how to do sth) , a small amount of money given to smo who has provided you with service , the usual pointed end of sth
retain retentionto retain, to keep a retention, a continued use,existence of s/s
excess excess excessive excessivelyan excess, above reasonable excess, extra excessive excessively
lingerlinger, to exit (longer than usual)
assignto assign, to give a particular job
accuracy accurate accuratelythe accuracy, being accurate x inaccuracy accurate, without any mistakes
dulldull, not interesting or exciting in any way not clear,bright,shinny
reliable reliability reliablyreliable, dependable, trustable to rely, to depend x unreliable reliability reliably
subsequent subsequentlysubsequent, happening after sth else x antecedent subsequently
incorporateto incorporate, to include (sth as part of sth larger) incorporation
imply implication implicitto imply, to say indirectly an implication, a indirect saying implicit, said indirectly
adhere adherence adherent adhesionto adhere, to stick firmly an adherence, a firm sticking adherent, sticky an adhesion, stickability
illustrate illustration illustrativeto illustrate, to picture draw , to clarify (esp. by giving example) an illustration, a picture drawn , a clarification illustrative
strain straineda strain, a force or influence that puts pressure on sth to strain, to cause strain strained
context contextual contextualize contextuallythe context, (the situation within which sth happens) contextual, context related to contextualize, to make more contextual contextually,
undertaketo undertake, to do (esp. sth that will take a long time) , to promise (that you will do sth)
deriveto derive, to obtain
intrinsic intrinsicallyintrinsic, basic and extremely important ? deep and connected intrinsically
facilitate facilitationto facilitate, to make easier ? easierize a facilitation, a making easier
compileto compile, to save (to arrange in future)
glare glarea glare, a long angry look , unpleasantly bright to glare, to look in glare
engage engaged engagement engagingto engage, to interact engaged, (having formally agreed to marry) , interacted engagement, an (agreement to marry smo) ,interactment engaging, charming
varyto vary, to become different
innateinnate, birth originated
barebare, clothless , most basic and important
dispute dispute disputable disputationa dispute, a disagreement (that possibly grows if remain unsettled) to dispute, to disagree disputable, disagreeable a disputation,
cease ceaseless ceaselesslyto cease, to stop (once and for all) ceaseless ceaselessly
disillusion disillusionedto disillusion, to make realize disillusioned a disillusionment
venuethe venue, the place (where a public event or meeting happens)
fathomto fathom, to understand (reason of)
popto pop, to go (a particular place) , to cause short explosive sound
caution caution cautiousto caution, to warn a caution, a great care and attention ? a being caution cautious, not acting directly in order to avoid risks
gapa gap, a hole , the difference (between) , a period of time (spent doing sth else)
bound reboundbound, nearly certain going to rebound, to return (to an earlier and better condition)
approximate approximatelyapproximate, not completely accurate but close approximately
audacity audacious audaciously audaciousnessthe audacity, the confidence (that are shocking or rude) audacious audaciously audaciousness
pity pity pitiful pitifully pitiless pitilessly pitilessnessa pity, a sad feeling ( for someone else's suffering) to pity, to feel sadness (for someone else's suffering) pitiful pitifully pitiless pitilessly a pitilessness
refute refutationto refute, to say or prove that a person,statement,opinion,etc. is wrong or false, controvert a refutation, the act of refuting
naive naively naivetynaive, lacking worldly experience, wisdom or judgement to do better judgement naively a naivety
repugnance repugnanta repugnance, a feeling of disgust (caused by sth are very unpleasant) repugnant, very unpleasant,causing a feeling of disgust
miracle miraculous miraculouslya miracle, a very lucky event (that is surprising and unexpected) miraculous miraculously
contrarycontrary, opposite contrarily
excellent excellently excel excellenceexcellent, extremely good excellently, to excel, to become excellent excellence, excellent being
disparatedisparate, different (in every way)
endeavorto endeavor, to try (+ to attempt) an endeavor
proceedto proceed, to continue as planned
decentdecent, good enough decently
debateto debate, to discuss formally a debate, a serious discussion
verifyto verify, to make certain
certaincertain, without doubt
contribute contribution contributory contributiveto contribute, to give (to achieve sth together) a contribution contributory contributive
persist persistence persistent persistentlyto persist, to continue (often unreasonable way) a persistence persistent persistently
driftdrift, to move slowly (esp. no control over direction)
draft draftdraft, a drawing-plan to draft, to write (draft)
embraceto embrace, to accept (enthusiastically )
crudecrude, basic and not skillfully made
susceptiblesusceptible, easily influenced or harmed
demonstrate demonstration demonstrative* demonstratively demonstrativenessto demonstrate, to show and explain , to express a demonstration demonstrative* demonstratively a demonstrativeness
compromisea compromise, an agreement (in which sides adjusted their demands) to compromise, to accept (in which your demand has been deducted)
plungeto plunge, to move or fall suddenly (often after a long)
fulfill fulfilled fulfilling fulfillmentto fulfill, to make happened , to satisfy fulfilled fulfilling a fulfillment
obscene obscenely obscenityobscene, rude because of related to sex , morally wrong as being so large obscenely, an obscenity,
paradigma paradigm, a very clear and typical example (used as a model)
affairan affair, a subject (being dealt with)
correct correct correctly correctness correctioncorrect, generally accepted to correct, to make correct correctly correctness correction
utter utterly utteranceto utter, to make a sound with your voice utter, complete-extreme utterly, completely-extremely an utterance
cling clingingto cling, to stick onto (and refuse to stop holding) clinging*
fancyto fancy, to want to have fancy, decorative or complicated a fancy, something that you like
vow vowa vow, a serious decision to vow, to make vow
enhance enhanced enhancementto enhance, to improve enhanced an enhancement
entailto entail, to pull (risk)
burden burdena burden, a heavy load to burden, to trouble (though burden)
foldto fold, to bend (so that one part of it lies on the other part)
extend extended extendableto extend, to add (to make it bigger) extended extendable
grind grindto grind, to grind sth into small pieces (by pressing) a grind, (result of grinding)
indicate indication indicativeto indicate, to point out an indication indicative
peelto peel, to remove (from surface)
postpone postponementto postpone, to delay (late date), to defer a postponement