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pmls lesson 8
Chapter 1
Level 1
level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
which it is a form of encapsulation that uses cement concrete • mixing ways with cement • this is suitable for pharmaceutical waste so 65% of the pharmaceutical work or waste you put 15% lime and 15% and 5% water
we have this enzyme mixture and it is used for the removal of water from wastewater disposal
Biological process
• it is a waste disposal method that packs hazardous materials in containers made of non- reactive materials • filling containers with waste • adding with immobilizing materials like concrete plastics are stills or boreal or storage • once the medium has dried containers are sealed is sealed and disposed of on landfill or burial fit
is sterilization, meaning it can kill all the microorganism and it is under moist heat or steam under pressure.
121 degrees celsius 15 psi for 15 minutes for?
media, liquids and instrument
it basically exposed to microwaves • 100° celsius for at least 30 minutes • it is a form of sterilization
an autoclave 132 degrees celsius with 15 psi for 30 to 60 minutes for?
infectious medical wastes
it is also called thermal decomposition
• Reduces the number of microorganisms • Treatment with disinfectant • Minimize the microbial
• not all of the ways requires treatments some needs treatment to prevent human and environmental from any waste contacts risk infectious • To prevent the spread ng infectious waste
treatment and disposal
• Regular on-site collection to facilities waste area or storage
on-site collection
• Only accredited DENR transporters and official waste collectors are allowed to transport ways to TSD (TREATMENT STORAGE DISPOSAL FACILITY) facility or to the final disposal site
off-site transportation
• Personnel must be trained • wearing complete PPE with the trolley
on-site transportation
kitchen waste, paper and tissues and water bottles and cans
general waste (green)
needles and cut glasses
sharps (red box pit)
antibiotic vials, metallic implants, glassware materials except cytotoxic
glassware bin (Blue)
soiled, anatomical, chemical liquid, cytotoxic, laboratory waste, expired and discarded medicines
infected wastes (yellow bin)
- is a basic separation of different categories of waste and by segregation reduce the risk as well as a cause of handing and disposal
it is the process of changing the biological and chemical characteristic of ways to minimize its potential to cause harm.
• it is the most critical step in biomedical waste management it reduces the amount of waste that needs special handling and treatment effective segregation process prevents the mixture of medical waste like sharps with general ways, of course, do not mix any infectious waste with non infectious waste • also by segregating we prevent the illegal use of certain components of medical waste like used of syringes needles
waste segregation and storage
it is a process of used materials into new products • for sample: papers laboratory, boxes, bottle
for the waste that cannot be safely reused recycle or recover the end of pipe approach is implemented. • treatment and disposal
end pipe
- for the recovery waste is recovered to fuel for generating electricity or for direct heating of premises. • it also encompasses subsets of waste recovery composting and energy recovery
depositing, placing, or releasing any healthcare waste into Air, land or water • take note that not all types of ways require treatment it can be immediately disposed
it's either finding a new application for material or using the same product for the same application repeatedly.
• waste prevention and waste reduction • so the healthcare facilities are encouraged to avail of services that are harmful to the environment and to purchase less polluting products • we prevent those infectious or harmful materials or substances if can’t be prevented then maybe we can reduce waste reduction so this is the most or more preferable for health care waste management
green procurement
• the important step in the proper management of healthcare waste in using an approach known as the green procurement policy
health care waste management system
• as all solid or liquid waste of the healthcare facilities and of course, the laboratory is included
health care waste
• the source: could be wet floors, heavy boxes, and even patients • possible injury: falls, sprains, or strains
physical hazard
type of fire extinguisher for class a fires only
water and foam
type of fire extinguisher for class b and class c fires
carbon dioxide
type of fire extinguisher for class a, b, and c fires
dry chemicals
type of fire extinguisher for class d only
dry powder
type of fire extinguisher for class k
wet chemicals
TYPES OF FIRES: • These are fires in ordinary combustibles o wood paper cloth rubber and many plastics
types of fires such as gasoline, petroleum, greases, tars, oils all based paint solvents and alcohols
class B
type of fires involving energized electrical equipment such as computer servers, motors, transformers and machines
class C
type of fires such as cooking oils and greases
class k
combustible metals such as magnesium , titanium, zirconium, sodium,, lithium and potassium
class D
how to properly operate a fire extinguisher
Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep
essntial steps ti take if you discover fire
Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish
• Source: Bunsen burners and organic chemicals • possible injury: burns or dismemberment • laboratories are required to have post evacuation routes and detailed plans to follow in the event of a fire • laboratory personnel should be familiar with his procedures and when a fire is discovered all employees are expected to take the actions in the acronym of RACE AND PASS
fire/explosive hazard
o undergrounded or wet equipment, frayed cords • possible injury: o burns or shock • since the laboratory setting contains a large amount of electrical equipment which workers have frequent contact the same general rules of electrical safety observed outside the workplace apply • equipment should not be operated with wet hands and the laboratory personnel should continually observe for any dangerous conditions • the equipment and cords must be well-maintained
electrical hazard
• Source: o equipment and radioisotopes • possible injury: o radiation exposure
radioactive hazards
• The chemicals we have this what we call the material safety data sheets in which it contains the informations about the chemicals like physical and chemical characteristics • a fire and explosion potential of a chemical reactivity • potential health hazard and emergency first aid procedures • methods for safe handling and disposal of the chemical • it is a document that contains information on the potential chemical hazards and how to work safely with chemical products
material safety hazard
• source: is the infectious agents or toxins • possible injury: are bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic infection • biological hazards- in the healthcare setting provide an abundant source of potentially harmful microorganisms and these microorganisms are frequently present in the specimen received in the clinical laboratory
biological hazards or biohazards
something that has the potential to harm you
no to low individual and community risk
risk group 1
a pathogen that can cause human or animal disease but is likely to be a serious hazard to the environment. Moderate individual risk, low community risk
risk 2
high individual risk, low community risk a pathogen that usually causes serious human or animal disease but does not ordinarily spread from fone infected individual to another. effective treatment and preventive measures are available
risk 3
high individual and community risk a pathogen that usually causes serious human and animal diseases and that can be readily transmitted from one individual to another. effective and preventive measures not usually available
risk 4
the microbes not known consistently to cause disease in healthy adults and a present minimal potential hazard to laboratory and environment • it is suitable for work involving bible microorganism that are defined and with will characterize trains no not cause diseases in humans • for example non-pathogenic strain of e coli and this level is the most appropriate among undergraduate and secondary educational training and teaching laboratories that requires basic laboratory safety practices safety equipments and facility design that requires basic level of containment
biosafety level 1
• practices standard microbiological practices are followed • work can be performed on a open table or bench • PPE personal protective equipments • hand washing
• biosafety level 2 microbes that possess a moderate hazards to laboratorians so basically design for laboratories that deals with indigenous moderate risk agents present in the community
• access to laboratory is restricted when work is being conducted • we have ppe face shields goggles • biosafety cabinet • autoclave decontamination proper • self-closing doors • Sink with wash apparatus readily available
• biosafety level 3 serious and potentially lethal disease through respiratory transmission • Example: microbacterium tuberculosis the bacteria that causes tuberculosis
• which is the highest level of biological safety • we deal here the dangerous and exotic microbes like a bola meaning infections caused by these microbes are frequently fatal and without treatment or
• Laboratorians- under medical surveillance and receive immunization • access to love restricted and controlled • PPE with respirators • biosafety cabinet BSC • sink with eyewash • exhaust air- which is not recirculated • self-closing doors with automatic locking
• change clothes before entering • shower upon exiting • decontaminate all materials before exiting • should have class 3 biosafety cabinet • separate building for laboratory vacuum lines and decontamination system
includes microorganisms that are unlikely to be significant risk to laboratory workers and the community , livestock , or the environment.
includes microorganisms that are unlikely to cause human or animal diseases
includes microorganisms that are known to cause serious diseases to humans or animals and may present a significant risk to laboratory workers.
- includes microorganisms that are known to produce life-threatening diseases to humans or animals. they bring about high individual and community risk.
laminar flow cabinet
• it also contains HEPA filtered laminar airflow and exhaust • personnel, environment and often product protection • classes of biosafety level cabinets: o I o II A&B o III
• it is the high-efficiency particulate air filter • it removes the most penetrating particle size of 0.3 micrometers with an efficiency of at least 99.97 percent • it is a sheet of borosilicate fibers
• take note this is not a biological safety cabinet • it contains vertical or horizontal laminar flow • it contains HEPA filter air o when we say HEPA filter it is a high-efficiency particulate air filter o it is product protection only