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level: Level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 2

The alligatorl'alligator
The antla fourmi
The bearl'ours
The beel'abeille
The birdl'oiseau
The camelle chameau
The cheetahle guépard
The chickenle poulet
The chimpanzeele chimpanzé
The cowla vache
The crocodilele crocodile
The deerle cerf
The dogle chien
The dolphinle dauphin
The duckle canard
The eaglel'aigle
The elephantl'éléphant
The fishle poisson
The flyla mouche
The foxle renard
The frogla grenouille
The giraffela girafe
The goatla chèvre
The goldfishle poisson rouge
The hamsterle hamster
The hippopotamusl'hippopotame
The horsele cheval
The kangaroole kangourou
The kittenle chaton
The leopardle léopard
The lionle lion
The lizardle lézard
The lobsterle homard
the Monkeyle singe
The octopusla pieuvre
The ostrichl'autruche
The otterla loutre
The owlle hibou
The oysterl'huître
The pandale panda
The parrotle perroquet
The pelicanle pélican
The pigle cochon
The pigeonle pigeon
The porcupinele porc-épic
The puppyle chiot
The rabbitle lapin
The ratle rat
The reindeerle renne
The rhinocerosle rhinocéros
The roosterle coq
The scorpionle scorpion
The sealle phoque
The sharkle requin
The sheeple mouton
The shrimples crevettes
The snaill'escargot
The snakele serpent
The sparrowle moineau
The spiderl'araignée
The squidle calamar
The squirrell'écureuil
The swallowl'hirondelle
The swanle cygne
The tigerle tigre
The toadle crapaud
The tortoisela tortue
The vulturele vautour
The walrusle morse
The weasella belette
The whalela baleine
The zebrale zèbre