to refuse | verweigern, (ablehnen, abweisen) |
to reject | ablehnen, (zurückweisen, abweisen) |
to deny (the truth...ex. climate change) | leugnen |
to deny (ie to disallow...ex. sb to win a spot in the playoffs) | ablehnen, bestreiten |
common (name, word, or phrase), commonly used | geläufig |
frequent, frequently | häufig |
common, customary | üblich |
to sign (a contract or a check) | unterschreiben |
to sign (an order, a decree, or affidavit or anything that used to be signed with a seal) | unterzeichnen |
feasible, viable, doable | machbar |
to concede (ie to admit) | einräumen, zugeben |
to acknowledge | anerkennen, (bestätigen, eingestehen) |
at daytime, during the day | am Tag, tagsüber |
behind (sth spatially) | hinter, hinterher, hinten, dahinter |
to combat (ex. drug abuse) | bekämpfen |
out of order (soda machine) | außer Betrieb |
to summarize | zusammenfassen |
the event (in history or on the news), the incident, the occurrence | das Ereignis |
the event (that is planned, ex. political rally, marathon, ceremony) | die Veranstaltung |
the exhibition (ex. art or trade fair) | die Ausstellung |
to have one's period | ihre Tage haben |
the race (in sports) | das Rennen |
the race (ie competition to be first, but not in sports...ex. to the moon, with a vaccine) | der Wettlauf |
to select (from limited options, formal stuff...ex. a job applicant, a candidate) | auswählen |
to pick (ie choose from unlimited options...ex. a career) | wählen |
to choose (from limited options, casually...ex. your friends, sth from the menu) | aussuchen, (auswählen) |
the login, the enrollment, the registration | die Anmeldung |
the prospect (for peace), the view (of what will happen), (the outlook) | die Aussicht, (die Perspektive) |
the weather forecast | die Wettervorhersage |
to run out (of liquid or time) | ablaufen |
to run out (of money or resources) | ausgehen |
to scoop (liquids like water or soup), to ladle, to bucket | schöpfen |
to deplete, to exhaust, to run down | erschöpfen, (aufbrauchen) |
exhausted, really tired | erschöpft |
to stretch to the limit (e.g. the budget), to exhaust (e.g. the possibilities) | ausreizen |
to forgive, (to condone) | verzeihen, (vergeben) |
to condone, to approve (informally) | billigen |
to approve | genehmigen (formal), billigen (informal) |
additional, additionally, extra | zusätzlich |
contested | umstritten, (umkämpft) |
to submit (sth you want...ex. an application) | einreichen |
to submit (sth you must...ex. homework, proof of payment) | vorlegen |
to reserve (a table) | reservieren, (vorbehalten) |
to book (a room or a flight) | buchen |
in broad daylight | am helllichten Tag |
the triangle | das Dreieck |
the coastline | die Küstenlinie |
the shore | das Ufer |
nationwide | landesweit, bundesweit, (flächendeckend) |
the proposal (ex. marriage), the application, the request | der Antrag |
to chat | plaudern |
to attract (in a tricky or negative way with a catch), to lure, to entice | locken |
to tempt (with a thing) | verlocken |
to tempt (sb to do sth), to goad | reizen |
rocky | felsig, steinig (auch fig.) |
to watch out for, to pay attention to (in a serious way) | achten (auf) |
to look out for (casually), to be on guard for, to mind, to care for (more common than achten), to take care | aufpassen |
the conversation (light and amusing) | die Unterhaltung |
to surrender (fighting), to give up (fighting) | aufgeben, kapitulieren |
to surrender (property), to relinquish | überlassen, übergeben |
the turmoil, the uproar | der Aufruhr |
the uprising, the insurrection | der Aufstand |
the unrest | die Unruhen (pl) |
the riot | die Randale, der Krawall, (die Ausschreitung) |
to promulgate (a rule or law), to declare (ex. marshall law), to proclaim | verkündigen |
to join in, to attune | einstimmen |
to rejoice, to cheer | jubeln |
to cheer (sth or sb) | bejubeln |
the allowance (for a child), the pocket money | das Taschengeld |
the summary | die Zusammenfassung |
to forbid, to prohibit, to ban | verbieten (casual), untersagen (formal) |
sufficient, sufficiently | ausreichend, (genügend, hinreichend) |
the confirmation (ex. that your password was changed) | die Bestätigung |
the turkey (for Thanksgiving) | der Truthahn, die Pute |
to circulate | zirkulieren, kursieren, (herumreichen, kreisen, umlaufen) |
to catch up on (ex. errands), to make good on, to make up for (ex. lost time) | nachholen |
to relent | nachgeben |
to indulge, to yield (to temptation), to surrender (to temptation), to give in (to temptation) | verwöhnen, nachgeben |
the air conditioner | die Klimaanlage |
to score (with a numerical grade), to grade | bewerten, (benoten) |
incidentally, by the way | übrigens |
to impose (ex. a restriction) | verhängen, auferlegen, (anordnen) |
responsible (ie the character trait, causing the harm) | verantwortlich, (zuständig) |
the carpenter | der Zimmermann, (der Schreiner, der Tischler) |
to be behind it, to be the reason that something is | dahinterstecken |
to eavesdrop | lauschen |
to contribute | beitragen, (beisteuern) |
the outline (before you write a paper) | die Gliederung |
obedient | gehorsam |
to participate | teilnehmen, mitmachen, (beteiligen, teilhaben) |
the opponent | der Gegner |
the adversary | der Widersacher, der Gegner, (der Kontrahent) |
alleged | angeblich, mutmaßlich, (vermeintlich) |
suspected | mutmaßlich, verdächtigt |
representative (adj), essential, leading, prevailing | maßgeblich |
the details | die Einzelheiten, die Details, (die Kleinigkeiten) |
the subsidiary | die Tochtergesellschaft, die Filiale |
the branch (office) | die Filiale, die Branche, die Zweigstelle, (die Nebenstelle) |
the raid (by the police) | die Razzia |
impressive | eindrucksvoll, beeindruckend |