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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Learner characteristicsinclude a learner's motivation, learning style, learning strategies, maturity and past language learning experience
Learning stylesways in which a learner naturally prefers to take in, process and remember information and skills
commonly mentioned learning stylesvisual, auditory, kinaesthetic, group, individual, reflective, impulsive, analytic,
visualthe learner learns best through watching and looking
auditorythe learner learns best through listening and hearing
kinaestheticthe learner learns best through being physical, while moving or touching things
groupthe learner learns best through working with others
individualthe learner learns best through working alone
reflectivethe learner learns best when given time to consider choices
impulsivethe learner learns best when able to respond immediately
analyticthe learner learns best when given the opportunity to analyse things
autonomousthe learner likes to decide what he/she learns and how to learn
Learning strategiesthe ways that learners choose and use to learn language - they include ways to help themselves identify what they need to learn, process, remember, and use new language
Maturityinvolves becoming grown up physically, mentally and emotionally
different maturities that influence language learningChildren, Teenagers, Adults see table p.73-74
Influence of past language learning experienceTeenage and adult learners may have learnt English before. They may be used to learning in a particular way and have definite ideas about how to learn best.The learners may welcome a change in method, but they may want to learn in the same way as they learnt before.
learner trainingtrain learners to become aware of and use different learning strategies
minglean activity which involves learners walking round the class talking to other students