What does this symbol represent in flowchart? | Start or end |
What does this symbol represent in flowchart? | Input or output |
What does this symbol represent in flowchart? | decision making |
What does this symbol represent in flowchart? | calculation, starting equation |
what are some general answers for effectiveness of solution? | 1. uses FOR loop to avoid code repetition
2. solution checks only necessary conditions |
What is a variable? | a named data store containing value which CAN CHANGE during the execution of program |
What are 2 examples of a variable? | total, count |
What is a constant? | a named data store containing a value which CANT CHANGE during the execution of a program. They are declared at start of program |
What are some examples of constant? | PI, tan, sin, cos |
What are the 5 types of data types? | integer, char, real, boolean, string |
What is an integer? | variable which holds positive and negative whole numbers which can be used for math |
What is a real data type? | variables which holds positive and negative numbers with fractional parts which can be used for math (10.4, 5.5) |
What is a boolean? | binary value which holds 2 values (true and false) |
What is a char? | variable which holds a single character, usually single quotes ('n') |
What is a string? | variable which holds several character, usually double quotes ("yes") |