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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

excuseto be allowed to leave
accuseto blame
a lotmany
allotto give messure an amount
fairjustice, equal
complementto add to, completion to perfection
complimentto give a positive comment
acceptto believe in or recieve
exceptunless, exclude
accessto use smth.
excesstoo much, extra
adverseharmful, unflavourable
aversedisgust, extreme hate
advicean opinion given (เค้าให้เรา)
adiseto give opinion (พวกเราให้)
alludeto mention indirectly
eludeavoid, escape
allusionindirect mention
illusionappearance that is a trick, not real
elictto evoke, draw out
illictsmth illegal
assuretell smo. smth is positive
ensuremake sure smth happends
citeto quote, mention what been said
sitea view, area of land
exacerbatemake smth. more worse (with action)
exaggarateto say smth is bigger than was/is
perspectivehow we see smth/opinion
prospectiveptenial about future
precedeto come before smth
proceedto continue onwords
principala person who runs a learning fucility
principlebelief or a guideline
toverb, infinitive, conjunction
tooamount, counting
affectverb, to impact or change
effectnoun, indicate the result of a change